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Local History Collections

The „Local History Collections“ of Chemnitz University Library were established in September 2011. The Collections include media of the „Stiftung Land Sachsen“ (Foundation of the State Saxony), the private library of Prof. Czok and a donation of Dr. Clemens Falser comprising of books dealing with the Ore Mountain region.

In 2016, the Collections were complemented by the library of the „Publication Share“ with the Chemnitzer Geschichtsverein (Chemnitz Historical Association) 1990 e.V.

Regale Sammlungen im Erdgeschoss West

The collection of Prof. Czok was donated to Chemnitz University Library, respectively to the Professorship of Saxon Regional History, under the condition, that the collection remains complete during a later usage.

At that time, the setting and usage of this collection were reserved to the surrounding of the Professorship of Saxon Regional History headed by Prof. Dr. Reiner Groß.

By the formal and content-related indexing of this collection by Chemnitz University Library in 2011, the collection was opened and made usable for the public.

The collection of Prof. Czok comprises of 1890 books/ monographs/ brochures and 40 journal titles dealing with the history of cities and regions as well as with the history of the State of Saxony.

This collection is for on-site usage only which means that borrowing and interlibrary loan is not possible.

Photo: Natur und Heimat : a monthly magazine with pictures © Tino Riedel

The “Stiftung Land Sachsen” (“Foundation of the State Saxony”) was established in 1975 located at Coburg. The objective of this foundation consisted on organizing and keeping collected cultural valuables of Saxony in order to conserve them as relevant component of the German cultural heritage for present and future. The collection comprises mainly of private donations of paintings, porcelain, minerals, carvings of the Ore Mountain region and of a book collection.

Subsequent to the legal liquidation of the foundation in 2004/2005, the collection was given to the Foundation of the municipality Großhartmannsdorf/ Ore Mountains.

In 2010, the “book collection”, with a focus on the history of the State Saxony and its regions, was transferred by the municipality Großhartmannsdorf to Chemnitz University Library, at first in kind of deposit.

The book collection of the “Foundation of the State Saxony” comprises of 1407 books/ monographs/ brochures and 85 journal titles and includes I.a. significant elaborations and standard reference titles regarding the history of the State Saxony.

This collection is for on-site usage only which means that borrowing and interlibrary loan is not possible.

The “Chemnitz Geschichtsverein 1990 e.V.” is a non-profit association and continues the tradition of the “Verein für Chemnitzer Geschichte” (“Association for the History of Chemnitz”), founded in 1872 and liquidated by the Soviet Military Administration in Germany after 1945.

Its objective consists on exploring the history of the city of Chemnitz and its surroundings from the beginnings to contemporary times and to present it in a scholarly but also popular manner.

Since its foundation in 1990, it is connected with around 100 German associations in the field of history and ancient times as well as teaching and research institutions and shares regularly and free of charges its publication series with them.

Since 2016, this share library has expanded to more than 3.800 titles such as monographs, anthologies, brochures and journals to which continuously more media are added.

This collection consists predominantly of German publications dealing with municipal-, regional- and local-historical topics. Their content extends from the Pre- and Early-History to the Contemporary History.

It is intended to keep this collection complete, to make it accessible for the public and thus to provide it to the users for research purposes.

This share collections was given to the University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology in the year 2016, at first in kind of deposit. Newly incoming titles are integrated periodically.

This collection is for on-site usage only which means that borrowing is not possible.