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Long Night of Postponed Course Papers - 2025
University Library 

Long Night of Postponed Course Papers - 2025

Postponed is not abandoned – finally complete the course paper!

“Postponed is not abandoned – finally complete the course paper!”
With this objective, the “Long Night of Postponed Course Papers” takes also place this year. The event will happen in the University Library building. In addition to workshops and information booths, but one above all is offered – lots of time for writing your course paper!

Logo: Long Night of Postponed Course Papers with additional information

Date: March 6, 2025
Location: University Library, Straße der Nationen 33
Start: 03:00 p.m.
End: midnight

Schedule information

Time Room Speaker/s Title + Content Presentation language
03:30 p.m. IdeenReich

Student Union Chemnitz-Zwickau

When it comes to the question of how you can take good care of yourself during your studies, there is no patent remedy and no right or wrong answer. The individual situation and your own resources play a major role.
This lecture looks at how this actually works: studying in a mentally healthy way. It raises questions and provides strategies that are worth using in challenging phases of your studies: What does it actually mean that I'm doing well? If not: What do I need, what do I need more of? And above all: what freedom can I retain or regain in order to recharge my batteries and then be able to perform well in my studies again?

04:30 p.m. IdeenReich

Student examination counseling

05:00 p.m. IdeenReich

M.A., University Library, Subject Specialist

University Library, Subject Specialist

The workshop shall give a short overview of the search opportunities provided on the websites of the Library. Although the focus is put on the usage of the Online-Catalog, also a short introduction to the handling of the Electronic Journal Database and the Database-Information-System shall be offered. In conclusion, existing online-tutorials and e-learning-opportunities related to the content are presented and naturally questions are answered during as well as after the workshop.
The workshop is provided in German and parallel in English.

05:45 p.m. IdeenReich

University Library, Service Coordinator

B.A., University Library, Service staff member

In a short 20-minute introduction we'll show you what reference management software is, what it does and how it is of use for your work.
The workshop is provided in German and parallel in English.

06:30 p.m. IdeenReich

M.A., Professorship for Empirical Social Research/ Methodological Competence Center of the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, scientific staff member

The workshop “How to conduct a survey appropriately” is supposed to offer answers to the three crucial questions on “what” I would like to conduct a survey, “how” an appropriate survey shall be designed and “whom” is the target group for implementing the survey.

06:30 p.m. IdeenReich

Student examination counseling

07:15 p.m. IdeenReich

University Computer Center

University Computer Center

In the lecture, we will show you how to set up a literature database for LaTeX and how to reference the sources in the text. We will then see how a bibliography is automatically generated from this.

08:00 p.m. IdeenReich

Entrepreneurs Network SAXEED

There are different strategies to overcome „Prokrastination“. Apart from a variety of technics, like the Pomodoro-technic, or to ask friends and other students for support, a clear idea of the own objectives might be a strong motivation.
Further information regarding SAXEED:
We as Entrepreneurs Network SAXEED, jointly with the Career Service, both services of Chemnitz University of Technology, offer your assistance right to that topic. We support students in reaching their objectives subsequent to studies. This might be the start into a job but also the path towards entrepreneurship. You are cordially invited to chat with us or to define together with us your objectives and look for ways to make them true after completion of studies. Quite frequently, already a conversation with a professional or entrepreneur helps a lot in getting a deeper understanding which competencies and skills are required for the desired field. This might i.a. contribute to overcome mental barriers and thus also to complete course and final papers in a shorter time.

20:00 Uhr IdeenReich

Faculty of Computer Science

The presentation introduces a tried and tested method of work organisation - the note box, developed by the social scientist Niklas Luhmann.
This technique helps to organise knowledge and promote thinking and analysis. The basic principles and the digital application of the method are method are explained: How do you create notes? How do you store them permanently? How do you link them effectively? And finally: How do you integrate the method into your own work process?


Undisturbed working

From 09:00 p.m. to midnight in the entire library

Time for assistance

Information booths at the ground floor/ foyer until 09:00 pm
Logo of the University Library University Library Which searching instruments for literature are offered by the University Library and how do I make use of them in an efficient and effective way in order to find specifically appropriate literature corresponding to the topic of my course paper? Of which technical opportunities may I dispose to store and administrate the results of my searches? Which texts may I use for my course paper and of which I should better not make use? Not only those but also all other questions around literature for your course paper are voluntarily answered at the booth of the University Library.
Mr Sascha Kaden advises: How can notes be linked in a meaningful way in order to benefit from them in the long term? How does the note box support thinking and writing? At the stand, you will find out how Niklas Luhmann's note box principle works and how you can use it for your studies and research. We will also be presenting helpful tools, such as Obsidian and Zotero, to use the note box digitally.
Logo of the Student Union Chemnitz-Zwickau Student Union Chemnitz-Zwickau Those who would like to close the book and look up from their laptop from time to time, are warmly welcome to visit the information booth of the Student Union Chemnitz-Zwickau. We answer questions all around student life (financing, jobs, organization of studies, social and financial assistance etc.). In case you have inquiries regarding the offers of the Student Union for psychological and social assistance, you are also very right to address to us! We support and consult on-site and are looking forward to chat with you and see you again.
Logo of the University Computer Center University Computer Center At our booth, we offer advice and assistance for overcoming challenges within the elaboration of the course paper with MS Office or the typesetting system LaTeX. However, we voluntarily offer our support also regarding other tools from the services portfolio of the University Computer Center.
Logo of the Methodological Competence Center of the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences Methodological Competence Center of the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences The Methodological Competence Center has for objective to support with advice and assistance to overcome methodological challenges in the context of issues in the field of Empirical Social Research. By a various offer of workshops, methodological consultancy, presentations, lectures and workshop discussions, we would like to assist in the promotion of individual research projects (scientific qualification papers, research projects, methodological advancement etc.) in a sophisticated way.
Logo of the Student Council Student Council The Student Council jointly with the faculty student representatives is at your disposal for guidance regarding your studies and minor little problems in order to join hands with the students in the best way. For students – by students.
Logo of the Professorship Intercultural Communication Texting Coaching
Professorship Intercultural Communication
At the Texting Coaching, you may address your questions emerging during the elaboration of your course paper: How may I structure appropriately? How may I design introduction and conclusion in a way that works? How may I combine sentences in a manner that they explain clearly complex issues without seeming “convoluted”. Are my orthography and grammar correct? For those and all other questions around the topic “Texting”, Dr. Sylvia Jurchen and Dr. Burkhard Müller from the Center for Foreign Languages is at your disposal.
International Office and Language Center At our joint stand, we will inform you about our various advisory and support services, such as the sponsorship programme, stays abroad and the language tandem exchange.
Logo of the Chemnitz University of Technology Student Service and Central Student Advisory Service The Central Student Advisory Service gives answers to questions regarding standard period of study, leave of absence or change of degree program and presents the range of degree programs of Chemnitz University of Technology, particularly our Master degree programs. To those who study with health impairments, such as disabilities, chronical or mental diseases, some particular university-legal regulations apply. Among those are compensations for disadvantages, i.a. also regarding course papers, you are welcome to ask also for advice regarding prequirements and application.

... and above all:

Please write, write, write!
Our best wishes for the successful completion of your course paper!