Drop out
The status as a student member of the university will, according to §22 of the Saxon Higher Education Act, expire in the moment of drop out. For instance the drop out will be executed officially after passing the course of study successfully or after finally failed exams. Furthermore a drop out can be performed upon application (e. g. abort of studies or change of university).
In general the drop out is effective by the end of the corresponding term. Upon application the drop out can be effective earlier. The earliest possible date is the inbox date. There is no possibility for a retroactive drop out. The application can happen by letter, email or personally in Student Service.
The drop out certificate will be send automatically to your address in the SBservice. If you are dropping out during the semester you could be eligible for a reimbursement of the semester ticket. Please contact the student’s council.
The Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau offers you the possibility to apply for a reimbursement up to 30 days after beginning of the term. Please find more information on the website of Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau.
Further information
Purse on your TUC Card
If you used the purse on your TUC card (e. g. canteen and photocopiers) please use your remaining credit until the drop out date. You can also apply for payout at the secretary of the head of the canteen. There you can get a payment order for the cash desk of the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau. After drop out the purse on your TUC card is no longer available.
University library
If you want to use the university library after drop out you have to apply at the library for a new ID. You can de-register at the library or via service@bibliothek.tu-chemnitz.de or https://katalog.bibliothek.tu-chemnitz.de → Account → Profile → Change Profile Data → Submit "drop out" in Notes. Please note that your account has to be balanced.
Credits can occur due to overpayment of semester contributions or fees. The amount of your credit can be viewed in SBservice. After logging in to the SBservice please click on the quicklink “Study Service”. On the subsequent website please click on the register “payments”. In case you have a credit to be refunded, the amount will be shown under the heading “available credit”. For a refund of credit please hand in the Antrag auf Auszahlung von Guthaben at the Student Service. If you would like to deregister in the course of the semester, please hand in the request for refund of credit along with the Antrag auf Exmatrikulation at the Student Service.
If you are already deregistered and you do not have access to the SBservice anymore, the Student Service will check for you the availability of credit. For that please contact the staff of the Student Service (phone: 0371 531-33333, e-mail: studierendenservice@tu-chemnitz.de).