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Department of Advanced Powertrains
Department of Advanced Powertrains 

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas von Unwerth


Contact information:

+49 (0) 371 531-23550

Since July 2010, Professor Thomas von Unwerth is in charge of the Department of Advanced Powertrains at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology.

Since 2014 managing director of the Insitute for autmotive research

Since 2018 Chairman of the HZwo cluster for hydrogen and fuel cells

Curriculum Vitae

since 2017 Managing Director of HZwo e.V.
since 2014 managing director Insitute for automotive research
since 2010 Head of the Department of Advanced Powertrains, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
since 2007 Lectureship at University Hannover (Insitute of Turbomachines and Fluid Dynamics), lecture:
2006 to 2010 Director of the Volkswagen project Fuel Cell Vehicles in China (Shanghai Volkswagen)
2004 to 2006 Director of the Volkswagen project Fuel Cell APU-Systems
2002 to 2010 Development engineer for fuel cells, Department of Fuel Cells, Batteries and Fuels, Volkswagen Corporate Research
since 1998 Member of the "Verein Deutscher Ingenieure" (VDI, English: Association of German Engineers), 1998-2002 head of its university group and board member of its regional group
1996 to 2002 Scientific staff member, Department of Fluid Energy Machines, TU Dortmund University. Subject of the doctoral thesis: "Experimental examination of the first hot-gas screw-type engine" (GASSCREW = advanced drivetrain with screw-type machines)
1990 to 1996 Mechanical Engineering studies at TU Dortmund University

Publications & Patents

Meuser, C.; von Unwerth, T.: Einfluss verschiedener Füge- und Klebeverfahren auf den Innenwiderstand von metallischen Bipolarplatten. FC³ Fuel Cell Conference. Chemnitz, 31.05./01.06.2022, 27.05.2022. [PEM Brennstoffzelle, metallische Bipolarplatten, Fügeverfahren, Innenwiderstand]

Keller, N.; Hübner, P.; von Unwerth, T.: Experimentelle Untersuchung des Intrusionsverhaltens von Gasdiffusionslagen in Kanalquerschnittskonturen von PEM-Brennstoffzellen. FC³ Fuel Cell Conference Chemnitz, 2022. 978-3-96100-136-1.. [Beitrag im Konferenzband, GDL Intrusion, Kanalparameter, Flussfelddesign]

Schrank, M.; Langer, V.; Jacobsen, B.; von Unwerth, T.; Götze, U.: Wasserstoff-Verbrennungsmotor als alternativer Antrieb - Metastudie. NOW GmbH - Nationale Organisation Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie, 2021. [Wasserstoff, Verbrennungsmotor, H2-Verbrennungsmotor]

Keller, N.; von Unwerth, T.: Advanced parametric model for analysis of the influence of channel cross section dimensions and clamping pressure on current density distribution in PEMFC. Journal of Applied Energy, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.118132.. [PEM Fuel Cell, Current density distribution, Channel parameters, GDL Intrusion]

von Unwerth, T.; Müller, F.; Keller, N.; Karl Lötsch; Prof. Dr. Prof. h. c. Uwe Götze ; Dr. Steve Rother; Annika Tampe: Wertschöpfungspotenziale von Wasserstoff für Sachsen - Potenzialstudie mit Akteurs- und Marktanalyse zu Wasserstofftechnologien und Brennstoffzellen für Sachsen. HZwo e. V. – Die sächsische Kompetenzstelle für Brennstoffzellen und grünen Wasserstoff , 2021

von Unwerth, T.; Wilhelm Wiebe, DHBW Mannheim; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schmitz, DHBW Mannheim : Hydrogen pump for hydrogen recirculation in fuel cell vehicles. E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 155, 2020, 2020

Rathke, P.; von Unwerth, T.: Modellierung und Simulation des dynamischen Verhaltens des Thermomanagementsystems von Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen. 9. VDI Fachkonferenz Thermomanagement elektromotorisch angetriebener Fahrzeuge, 04.11.2020. [Thermomanagement, Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug, Modellbildung, Simulation]

Keller, N.; Hübner, P.; von Unwerth, T.: Investigation of intrusion effects of a gas diffusion layer into channel cross sections depending on channel parameters of metallic bipolar plates. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.03.245.. [GDL intrusion, Gas diffusion layer, Intrusion model, PEM fuel cell, Channel parameters]

Keller, N.; Alexander Bauer; von Unwerth, T.; Birgit Awiszus: Method for Analytical Calculation of the Formability from Metallic Bipolar Plates. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2020, 4(1), 2019. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmmp4010001.. [formability, metallic bipolar plates, PEMFC, stamping, channel cross section]

Rathke, P.; von Unwerth, T.: Konzeption eines ganzheitlichen Energiemanagements für Brennstoffzellenfahrzeuge. FC³ - 1st Fuel Cell Conference Chemnitz 2019 - Saubere Antriebe. Effizient Produziert., 2019. 978-3-96100-103-3.. [S. 254-264; Thermomanagement, FCEV, Hybridmanagement, Thermal management, energy management, fuel cell electric vehicle, hybrid strategy]