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SYSU delegation to visit TUC in November-December 2018

In late 2018, a delegation from  SYSU will visit Chemnitz to participate in the TUC China Days.

We have drafted a very preliminary programme, which covers one day organized by the Faculty (with contributions from other "China professors" and SYSU2TUC and TUC2SYSU exchange students), and a more academic symposium the following afternoon organized by the English Dept. Of course, we will leave enough time for cultural encounters, not only official talks.

29/11/18 Conference Room in M Building (behind NHG and Merge)

incl. Prof. Yang Jin (Germanistik, School of Foreign Languages, SYSU, China) Germanistik/German Studies in China


incl. Prof. Dai Fan (English Dept, School of Foreign Languages, SYSU, China) A Tribute to Michael Halliday: Writing a Biography

1-7 pm Graduate Symposium of SYSU and TUC students on "Critical Discourse and Corpus Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar"


Friday, 30 November, 2/N005

Welcome (Deputy VC/Vice President Prof. Dr. Max Eibl)

Conference Opening (Dean Prof. Dr. Stefan Garsztecki)

Housekeeping (Josef Schmied)


SYSU Research Team

CHANG Chenguang (SYSU):
The Synergy between SFL and Corpus Linguistics

Liu Ming (SYSU):
Imagining Tibet in Western Media: A Corpus-assisted Discourse Study

Wang Yunzhe (SYSU):
Competing Discursive Constructions of Hong Kong in Chinese and US Newspapers: A Corpus-assisted Discourse Study

Yao Ye (SYSU):
British and American News Reports on Chinese Tourists: A Corpus-based Appraisal Analysis

Wang Liwei (SYSU):
Western Media Coverage of Confucius Institutes: An Appraisal Analysis

Jiang Cong (SYSU):
British Media Representations of Hong Kong Twenty Years on: A Diachronic Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study

16:00 Coffee Break

TUC - REAL Research Team 
Josef Schmied (Chemnitz):
Functional Perspectives on New Discourses: Academic Writing, Social Media, and Human-Humanoid Interaction

Tunde Ope-Davies (Lagos and Chemnitz):
The Construction of the Corpus of Nigeria New Media Discourse in English: Using Tools, Theory, Techniques in Digital Humanities

Mohammed Ademilokun (Chemnitz):
Mapping Discursive Practices in Social Transformation Advocacy in Nigeria: A Corpus-Assisted Critical Discourse Perspective

Dana Ebermann (Chemnitz):
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Trump's Speeches

Jessica Dheskali (Chemnitz):
China and Hong Kong in European Discourse: a Qualitative Study of Several European Online Newspapers


Buffet Dinner
Saturday, 1 December

Chemnitz Christmas market, Gunzenhauser Museum and Bergparade:
