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English Department
English Department

Auslandsorientiertes Semester

Page contents

  1. General information
  2. Teaching forms
  3. Internship
  4. Module description
  5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

General information

Students who intend to do an Auslandsorientiertes Semester can use the simplified form that has to be discussed with the language coordinator (Sprachpraxis). Please select 3-4 courses from the (previous) winter semester. The department-specific PL requirements in the chosen classes apply, not necessarily those suggested in the Module description; you can also choose a language class from the Language Centre. In addition, you need to complete an internship, preferably in an international framework, with enough hours and weeks to be equivalent to 10 ECTS points, so that together with your final report and the oral exam you collect 30 ECTS points for this semester. The lecturer of the class does not send your certificate+grade to our ZPA; grades need to be handed it in on the simplified form with all the other documents in your Learning Agreement at the end of your Auslandsorientiertes Semester.

Here is the LEARNING AGREEMENT, which you need to fill out, discuss with the language coordinator and submit by February (see the ERASMUS timeline for the precise date).

Teaching forms

Teaching forms of the module are seminar and practical training / internship (exemplary):

  • S: Applied Linguistics (2 LVS)
  • S: English Literatures and Cultures (2 LVS)
  • S: American Social and Cultural Studies (2 LVS)
  • P: auslandsrelevantes Praktikum (4 weeks)

We are open to students' interests and suggestions regarding other courses in case the courses have anything to do with English in a wider sense.


Students must complete an internship, which preferably has some relation to languages (English). Possible are internships e.g. at the SCHLINGEL-Film-Festival, an international kindergarten (pre-school English) or other teaching placements. Please make sure to discuss the internship with the language coordinator in advance. The internship can also be extended over a longer period of time (see also our guidelines). Individual planning is possible.

Abbreviated module description

Admission: Completion of the requirements for the individual seminars (term papers) and the successful completion of the module exam (for the credit points).

Admission requirements and module exam:

  • Proof of the internship and the following preliminary examination results (can be repeated several times)
  • a 30-minute presentation on each of the seminars (e.g. Applied Linguistics and English Literatures and Cultures)
  • a 25-minute presentation in the seminar e.g. American Social and Cultural Studies
  • a report (in English of 2500 words/5 pages) which should be about the experiences of the internship and the semester "abroad" at home.
  • module exam: three term papers (10-12 pages each, processing time: 6 weeks each), a report of the AoS (internship + seminars + pros and cons) and an oral exam (15-minute oral examination)


It is recommended that you create a folder for the AoS, which you have to submit to the examination board. No duplicate copies are required. Please use the standardised cover sheet for your folder.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

No, the examinations board (Prüfungsausschuss) decides single cases (e.g. reduced mobility due to family or health reasons) on application.

Yes. First of all you need to contact the examinations board (Prüfungsausschuss) and get their permission to do an Auslandsorientiertes Semester (AoS). Then, you fill in a Learning Agreement and discuss it with Prof. Dr. Cecile Sandten. Make sure to also register for Auslandsorientiertes Semester in our accompanying OPAL course for the semester abroad (Modul Auslandssemester).

After completion of the AoS, please get in touch with the Sprachpraxis coordinator Dr. Isabelle van der Bom to discuss the submission of your portfolio and to schedule a date for the oral exam.

You complete 3-4 courses from our or from other departments and do an internship that comprises at least 300 hours. All credits and grades need to be collected in a form which you will hand in along with all the other documents in your Learning Agreement at the end of your Auslandsorientiertes Semester. You can find more information on the procedure on our Website.