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International Office
Time Management

Time Management


  • Effective organization of the own scientific work
  • Optimization of the individual working style
  • Managing and overcoming crisis situations

Contents i.a.

  • Definition and planning of objectives (planning techniques)
  • Chances and risks of working styles
  • Elaboration of To-Do-Lists and effective acquirement of information
  • Organization- and Time Management-Tools
Teaching Language English
Date will be announced
Time will be announced
Location will be announced
Coach N.N.
Fees None
Participant’s Registration Please send an email with your name, surname, subject and the further training workshop you would like to participate at to


Comments of participants on the past workshop

  • "Deals with how time can be mismanaged and how to improve time management ability. Good exercises, colleague interactions. Emphasizes also the real situations in personal lives and industries."
  • "A lot of practice. Working out own problems."
  • "It was really nice to develop the own skills."
  • "I learnt a lot from it."
  • "Instead of two full days, four half-day workshops would be good and preferably in the evening from 04:00 - 08:00 pm."
  • "We may think that our time is well-managed but this workshop helped me to understand some points that are really important for planning lifetime's goals."