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International Office
Stays covered by a partnership agreement

Stays abroad covered by a partnership agreement

Stay at a partner institution of Chemnitz University of Technology

You can also benefit from other partnership arrangements Chemnitz University of Technology has outside of the ERASMUS programme. It is important to note the following points if you wish to make use of these:


  • Not every partnership agreement has a student exchange element. An overview of partnerships is available on our global partners page.
  • Some partnerships are limited to specific faculties or departments. Information on this is also available on our global partners page. There are generally a limited number of exchange places available. If there are more applications than available places, participants will be selected by the faculties or the International Office.
  • The final decision on whether to admit you to study at your host institution lies with the host institution, which will take into account its usual admissions criteria.
  • Participation in the Chemnitz University of Technology exchange program does not mean you will automatically receive financial support. The PROMOS programme provides funding for stays of up to six months. Information about this programme and application procedures is available from our website.

If you would like to spend time at a partner institution and the partnership agreement includes student exchanges covering your subject area, please obtain the following information from the institution’s website:


  • courses suitable for your field of study
  • semester dates and application deadlines
  • required application documentation
  • teaching language for your desired courses
  • required language skills and proof

Take this information to the International Office and discuss next steps with the partnerships coordinator, Nadja Hüller. On the basis of this discussion, the International Office will coordinate with the relevant internal partnership contact and the partner institution concerned. If an exchange is possible, please fill out the Application for an exchange place under a Chemnitz University of Technology partnership  form and pass this including attachments to the International Office.


Different exchange programmes have different application deadlines. Please consult the International Office about the applicable deadlines and abide by them. Please also respect your fellow applicants and note that any application for an exchange place is deemed to be binding! We would ask you not to submit purely ‘proforma’ applications.

If more applications are received for exchange places under a partnership than are available, a selection committee will decide which students to put forward. Selection criteria will be academic achievements to date, the appropriateness of the courses you intend to take to your field of study, the quality of your personal statement and the impression you make.

Whatever your exchange, you should bear in mind that when you participate in an exchange programme with a partner institution, you do so as a representative of Chemnitz University of Technology. Being nominated for an exchange place means that you should prepare for and undertake your visit abroad in a responsible manner.


Some partnership agreements provide for you to submit your application to your host institution through Chemnitz University of Technology. If this is the case, please submit all required application documentation and the Application for an exchange place under a Chemnitz University of Technology partnership  form to the International Office. The International Office will then forward your application documents along with a Nomination Letter to the partner institution.


If you are required to submit your own application directly, Chemnitz University of Technology will provide you with a nomination letter to send to your host institution with your documents.


If you meet the host institution’s requirements, you will receive a letter of admission. This will enable you to submit your visa application, if this is a requirement for your host country.


As part of the application process and before you apply to your host university, please make sure you clarify with your professors how study credits gained abroad will be recognised!


Since partnership agreements generally waive tuition fees for exchange students, it is important that you continue to be enrolled at Chemnitz University of Technology for the duration of your visit abroad. You will need to prove that you are registered at your home institution when you enrol at your partner institution. If fees similar to our semester fees are payable at your host institution, these will not be waived, which means you will have to pay them as part of the exchange programme.


At the end of your visit please ask your host institution to confirm the length of your visit on the Letter of Confirmation form and submit a copy and a report on your experience during your stay to the International Office within four weeks of your return.


Please arrange for the examination office of your host institution to issue your transcript of records before your departure.