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International Office
Visiting Scholar Program
International Office 

Visiting Scholar Program of Chemnitz University of Technology for established research partnerships

The professorships at Chemnitz University of Technology collaborate closely with partners from all over the world, especially in research. These joint activities contribute significantly to the reputation of both the professors and Chemnitz University of Technology in general. The University Management of Chemnitz University of Technology has established a Visiting Scholar Program to further intensify its research cooperation with international partners.

By the Visiting Scholar Program, Chemnitz University of Technology promotes research partnerships that are established and are well-founded on successful results achieved together. The program is therefore aimed at tandems from Chemnitz professors and international guests who have already worked together, for example in projects or publications.

Visiting Scholars can conduct research at Chemnitz University of Technology for a period of three to six months.

The program comprises two components:

  • funding of travel expenses and an expense allowance for the visiting scholars
  • intensive organizational support of the visiting scholars by the International Office

In addition to the Visiting Scholar Program, the other activities of Chemnitz University of Technology for admitting international guest researchers will remain unchanged.

Funding and support in the Visiting Scholar Program

The Visiting Scholar Program offers both financial and organizational support for the selected participants in the program.

Financial support:

  • for full professors, associate professors, reader etc. a monthly expense allowance in the amount of 3,000 Euro for up to 6 months
  • for assistant professors, lecturers, postdocs etc. a monthly expense allowance in the amount of 2,000 Euro for up to 6 months
  • one-time, country-dependent lump sum for travel expenses for the arrival and departure to/from Chemnitz

Please note that expense allowances are considered income and are therefore generally subject to income tax. Stays can be split into a maximum of two parts, but travel expenses will only be reimbursed for one journey to/from Chemnitz. The funding covers a period of 3 to 6 months.

The application deadline for the 12th funding round has expired.
The next call for applications for the second half of 2025 is expected to take place in January 2025.

Organizational support:

The International Office is the central contact point for organizational questions of the visiting scholars regarding the preparation and implementation of their research stay in Chemnitz. The International Office supports visiting scholars especially with regard to

  • visa (and, if necessary, residence permit)
  • conclusion of a Hosting Agreement
  • health insurance
  • opening of a bank account
  • if necessary: search for childcare options

Step-by-step instructions provide all necessary details.

Requirements for admission to the program

In order to be admitted to the Visiting Scholar Program, international visiting scholars must meet the following requirements:

  • prominent position as professor or postdoc at a university or research institute abroad
  • proven successful cooperation with the hosting professorship at Chemnitz University of Technology through joint projects or publications
  • specific joint research project to be carried out during the stay in Chemnitz which ideally leads to a joint research proposal
  • the visiting scholar's employment relationship with the home institution (university or research institution) continues during the research stay in Chemnitz

International guests who fulfil these requirements and already receive funding for their stay in Chemnitz through a scholarship or support program are of course also welcome to stay at Chemnitz University of Technology. Unfortunately, it is not possible to finance the stay simultaneously with funds from funding organizations and the Visiting Scholar Program (double funding is excluded).

The International Office informs about possibilities to conduct research in Chemnitz beyond the Visiting Scholar Program.

Selection criteria for admission to the Visiting Scholar Program

The University Management of Chemnitz University of Technology decides on the admission and allocation of funds in the Visiting Scholar Program. The following criteria are taken into account in its decision:

  • position of the visiting scholar at his/her home institution (uor research institution) and his/her scientific achievements
  • previous joint results of the partnership with the hosting professorship at Chemnitz University of Technology (joint projects, third-party funds raised, publications, etc.)
  • planned research project and its objectives
  • statement/explanation of the visiting scholar why he/she would like to carry out the project at Chemnitz University of Technology
  • objectives and benefits that the hosting professorship at Chemnitz University of Technology aims to achieve by accepting the visiting scholar