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International Office
Funding opportunities
International Office 

Funding opportunities

Germany as "Land of Opportunities" attaches great importance to gain the "best heads" worlwide for its science and research. For this reason, there are a number of funding opportunities for short- but also for long-term stays abroad at German universities. The subsequently listed options are supposed to provide a first overview to you. The application has to be done individually which means by you yourself. Nevertheless, you are welcome to address to the International Office in case of questions or need for further information.


International PhD-students

The benefit from an application within a funding program in comparison to taking up an employment for financing your doctorate is that the funding you get generally is a scholarship which means that you can completely dedicate to your PhD-project.

The research of an appropriate funding program as well as the application has to be done individually which means by you yourself. The subsequent overview shall support you at least in your task to find the appropriate program corresponding to your current situation and the intended purpose. In case of questions or need for further information, you are nevertheless welcome to address to the International Office at any time.

For enrolled international PhD-students of Chemnitz University of Technology, the International Office provides scholarships in a limited scope from acquired third-party-funding. The decision on the distribution belongs to the Scholarship Commission of the International Office.

There are a number of organizations in Germany which are providing a variety of funding programs for international PhD-students at German universities. The duration of funding varies from a few months up to the total period of the doctorate (generally three years, with optional prolongation, if applicable):

  • The most well-known funding organization is probably the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Its comprehensive scholarship database provides various research options for finding the funding program which fits the best to your current situation. In order to get to the details of a funding program (application requirements, application periods, application documents, funding periods and amounts, contact persons at the DAAD etc.), you click on the respective hyperlink of the list of your research results. Please pay special attention to check if your country of origin is eligible for funding within the respective DAAD-program! 
  • In addition, there are also other funding organizations providing financial support for international PhD-students at German universities. You find an overview here.

International Postdocs/ Experienced researchers

The benefit from an application within a funding program in comparison to taking up an employment is that in case of approval you can completely dedicate to your further scientific qualification as postdoc resp. as experienced researcher that you can so to speak "bring along" the financing of your research stay resp. your position at a German university.

The research of an appropriate funding program as well as the application has to be done individually which means by you yourself. The subsequent overview shall support you at least in your task to find the appropriate program corresponding to your current situation and the intended purpose. In case of questions or need for further information, you are nevertheless welcome to address to the International Office at any time. 

In the case that you have already delivered outstanding scientific performances and that within an already quite long-lasting and active cooperation with scientists from Chemnitz University of Technology you are intending to do a joint research project at our university, you have the opportunity to apply jointly with the professorship of Chemnitz University of Technology for being included in the "Visiting Scholar Program" of Chemnitz University of Technology which provides special service and funding offers with regard to your research stay at Chemnitz University of Technology.

There are a number of organizations in Germany which are providing a variety of funding programs for international postdocs and experienced researchers at German universities, i.a.

  • the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Also as international postdoc and experienced researcher, you have got the opportunity to search within the scholarship database of the DAAD for a funding program which fits the best to your current situation and needs. In order to get to the details of a funding program (application requirements, application periods, application documents, funding periods and amounts, contact persons at the DAAD etc.), you click on the respective hyperlink of the list of your research results. Please pay special attention to check if your country of origin is eligible for funding within the respective DAAD-program!  
  • the German Research Foundation (DFG): awards scholarships to highly-qualified international (young) researchers for the implementation of research projects or for their further scientific qualification at German universities.
  • the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation (AvH): awards not only scholarships for the implementation of research projects or for further scientific qualification to highly-qualified postdocs but also science awards and funding for full professorships to experienced, internationally acknowledged researchers. You find an overview of the particular AvH-programs according to target groups here.
  • the European Union (EU): In this respect, the EURAXESS-Portal provides an interesting opportunity for searching for appropriate funding programs of the EU. Particularly for (young) scientists from Third-Party countries, the funding resources distributed by the European Research Council might be of special interest.


We wish you a successful application for funding and a productive stay for the implementation of your qualification or research project at Chemnitz University of Technology!