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Professorship of Media Informatics
Professorship of Media Informatics 


» 2022: Eleonore-Dießner-Award for Alexa Becker
» 2021: Eleonore-Dießner-Award for Anne Münzer
» 2020: University Award for Dr. Stefan Kahl
» 2020: Eleonore-Dießner-Award for Janine Lorenz
» 2020: Transfer Award in the Category „Science Communication“ for Dr. Andreas Bischof
» 2020: Special Award for Exeptional Voluntary Work for Michael Storz
» 2020: Dr. Wilhelmy-VDE-Preis for Outstanding Dissertations for Stefanie Müller
» 2019: Eleonore-Dießner-Award for Teresa Denefleh
» 2019: ARD/ZDF Award for Women and Media Technology and Goldmedia Award for Media Business for Stefanie Müller
» 2018: University Award for Stefanie Müller
» 2017: Commerzbank PhD Award and Award for outstanding PhDs at Universities in Saxony for Dr. Andreas Bischof
» 2017: Eleonore-Dießner-Award for Anna Zywietz
» 2015: ISI'15 - Best Poster Award for Thomas Wilhelm-Stein and Maximilian Eibl
» 2013: University Award for Jens Kürsten
» 2013: ACM RACS - Best Poster Award for Markus Rickert and Maximilian Eibl
» 2012: University Award for Michael Storz
» 2012: Students Symposium - Best Paper Award for Christina Lohr
» 2010: German and EU Contests for Young Scientists for Andreas Lang
» 2010: DAAD First Prize for Jennifer Bohn


2022: Eleonore-Dießner-Award

2022: Alexa Becker receives the Eleonore-Dießner-Award for outstanding achievements of women in technology of the Chemnitz University of Technology for her master's thesis A smart intra-household communication object for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.


2021: Eleonore-Dießner-Award

2021: Anne Münzer receives the Eleonore-Dießner-Award for outstanding achievements of women in technology of the Chemnitz University of Technology for her master's thesis Mobile Interaction and Museum Experiences.


2020: University Award

December 2020: Dr. Stefan Kahl receives the University Award of Chemnitz University of Technology for his dissertation Identifying Birds by Sound: Large-scale Acoustic Evenbt Recognition for Avian Activity Monitoring. The award is sponsored by GPP Chemnitz Gesellschaft für Prozessrechnerprogrammierung mbH.


  • Press release by Chemnitz University of Technology
  • Doctoral thesis: Kahl, Stefan (2019). Identifying Birds by Sound: Large-scale Acoustic Event Recognition for Avian Activity Monitoring. Chemnitz: Universitätsverlag, 2019. - 301 S. ISBN: 978-3-96100-052-4, ISSN: 2195-2582 (online), 2195‐2574 (print) Online Abruf


2020: Eleonore-Dießner-Award

December 2020: Janine Lorenz receives the Eleonore-Dießner-Award for outstanding achievements of women in technology of the Chemnitz University of Technology for her master's thesis Smarte vernetzte Plüschtiere.



2020: Transfer Award in the Category „Science Communication“

December 2020: Dr. Andreas Bischof receives the Transfer Award of Chemnitz University of Technology in the Category „Science Communication“ for the podcast TUCscisast.



2020: Special Award for Exeptional Voluntary Work

December 2020: Michael Storz together with Coretta Storz (Faculty of Philosophy) receives the special award of the TU Chemnitz for special voluntary commitment for the local coordination of the international initiative "Makers vs. Virus" and for the organization of the voluntary production of personal protective equipment against Covid-19 infections in Chemnitz and the surrounding area.



2020: Dr. Wilhelmy-VDE-Preis for Outstanding Dissertations

February 2020: The VDE (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.) and the Dr. Wilhelmy Foundation award Stefanie Müller the Dr. Wilhelmy-VDE Prize for Outstanding Dissertations. The award ceremony took place during the VDE Tec Summit in Berlin.




2019: Eleonore-Dießner-Award

July 2019: Teresa Denefleh receives the Eleonore-Dießner-Award for outstanding achievements of women in technology of the Chemnitz University of Technology for her master's thesis Ja werd ich hier jetzt so kontrolliert? – Zur Entwicklung und Untersuchung eines explorativen Sensorwerkzeugs.



2019: ARD/ZDF Award for Women and Media Technology and Goldmedia Award for Media Business

April/September 2019: Stefanie Müller receives the ARD/ZDF Award Women and Media Technology (1st place) as well as the Goldmedia Award for her doctoral thesis Systematisierung und Identifizierung von Störquellen und Störerscheinungen in zeithistorischen Videodokumenten am Beispiel digitalisierter Videobestände sächsischer Lokalfernsehsender.




2018: University Award

November 2018: Stefanie Müller receives the University Award 2018 for her doctoral thesis Classification and identification of sources of interference and of visual distortion in contemporary video documents, using examples from the digitized video archives of local television broadcasters in Saxony. The award is sponsored by DEROSSI Invest GmbH.




2017: Commerzbank PhD Award

November 2017: Dr. Andreas Bischof receives the Award for outstanding PhDs at Universities in Saxony for his PhD thesis Wie kommt die Robotik zum Sozialen? Epistemische Praktiken der Sozialrobotik. The award is procided by the Dresdner Gesprächskreis.

May 2017: Dr. Andreas Bischof receives the Commerzbank PhD Award for his PhD thesis Wie kommt die Robotik zum Sozialen? Epistemische Praktiken der Sozialrobotik.



  • PhD thesis: Bischof, Andreas (2017). Wie kommt die Robotik zum Sozialen? Epistemische Praktiken der Sozialrobotik. Department of Philosophy, Chemitz University of Technology: 2015. - 341 p. Online-Abruf


2017: Eleonore-Dießner-Award

July 2017: Anna Zywietz receives the Eleonore-Dießner-Award for outstanding achievements of women in technology of the Chemnitz Technical University for her master's thesis Konzeption von Touch-Gesten zur Steuerung eines nicht-humanoiden Roboters.


2015: ISI'15 - Best Poster Award

May 2015: Thomas Wilhelm-Stein and Maximilian Eibl receive the Best Poster Award at the 14th International Symposium of Information Science in Zadar for their contribution A Tool for Enhancing the Understanding of Information Retrieval System Components for Educational purposes .




2013: University Award

Oktober 2013: Dr. Jens Kürsten receives the University Award 2013 for his doctoral thesis A Generic Approach to Component-Level Evaluation in Information Retrieval. The award is sponsored by Voith Engineering Services GmbH.




2013: ACM RACS - Best Poster Award

October 2013: Markus Rickert (research assistant in the project validAX) and Maximilian Eibl receive the Best Poster Award at the ACM RACS 2013 - Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems in Toronto for their contribution Evaluation of Media Analysis and Information Retrieval Solutions for Audio-Visual Content through their Integration in Realistic Workflows of the Broadcast Industry.




2012: University Award

October 2012: Michael Storz (Course Master Intelligent Media und Virtual Reality) receives the University Award 2013 for his Master thesis Analyse, Implementierung und Visualisierung des Workflows maschineller Lernverfahren zur Objektdetektion am Beispiel von Gesichtern.



2012: Students Symposium - Best Paper Award

June 2012: Christina Lohr (Course Bachelor Angewandte Informatik) receives the est Paper Award at the Students Symposium Computer Science for her contribution Sprachmodelladaption von CMU Sphinx für den Einsatz in der Medizin. She cooperated with the clinical center Chemnitz for this contribution.



  • Lohr, Christina (2012). Sprachmodelladaption von CMU Sphinx für den Einsatz in der Medizin. In: Proceedings of the 1. Students Symposium Chemnitz at the 4. Juli 2012. Chemnitzer Informatik-Berichte CSR-12-01, S. 38-51. Online


2010: Contest for Young Scientists

2010: Andreas Lang (pupil of the Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium) receives the first prize at Jugend forscht (Contest for Young Scientists) in the reasearch area Mathematics/Computer Science, first on state level then also on national level. He received an invitation of the EU for the "22nd European Union Contest for Young Scientists". Mr. Lang was tutored at the Chair Media Informatics by Marc Ritter.



  • Lang, Andreas; Ritter, Marc (2010). Gesichtsdetektion mittels Schwarmintelligenz. Bundeswettbewerb Jugend forscht 2010, 13.-16.05.2010, Essen. - Karlsruhe : FIZ Karlsruhe - Jufobase, 2010 Online
  • Lang, Andreas; Ritter, Marc (2010). Face Detection using Swarm Intelligence. In: 22nd European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS 2010), 24.-29.09.2010, Lissabon, 2010 Online
  • Lang, Andreas; Ritter, Marc (2012). Schwarm im Kopf: Gesichtsdetektion mittels Schwarmintelligenz. In: Junge Wissenschaft. - 27(2012), 93, S. 52-59 [ISSN 0179-8529]


2010: DAAD - First Prize

November 2010: Jennifer Bohn (Course Master Informatik für Journalisten) receives the first prize at the DAAD competition for computer games. The theme of the competition was "Adventure Germany". Participantes were asked to create a game which teaches foreign students some German peculiarities in order to minimize their cultural shock. 6.000€ prize money and 20.000€ for the realisation of the game go to Miss Bohn. She participated in the course of module "578090 Mediengestaltung / Mensch-Computer-Interaktion I".
