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Professorship Predictive Analytics
Prädiktive Verhaltensanalyse

Introduction to Programming with Python (Winter semester 2023/24)

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dr. Marco Ragni

Assistant: Jenny Rettstatt

Contents: Basics of programming in the higher-level programming language. Python (basic concepts and structures, data types, object classes).

Qualification goals: Students are familiar with a higher level programming language and can create programs in Python.

Requirements: --

Target groups: Master Human Factors, Master Sensors and Cognitive Psychology

OPAL: (will be updated)


  Time: Monday, 11:30 - 12:15

  Place: 2/A001 (C21.001)


  Time: Monday, 12:15 - 13:00

  Place: 2/A001 (C21.001)