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Professorship Predictive Analytics
Job Offers
Professorship Predictive Analytics 

Job offers

Here you can find the current job offers at the professorship.

Last updated: 27.11.2024

Research assistant (m/f/d)

50 %, pay grade 13 TV-L, limited to 1 year - possibility of extension

Temporary employment is in accordance with the provisions of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG) and the Sächsisches Hochschulfreiheitsgesetz (SächsHSFG) as amended.

Work tasks:

  • Teaching (2 LVS): Conducting courses with a focus on predictive behaviour analysis and participation in the development of innovative teaching formats.
  • Research: Independent and collaborative research and publications in the field of predictive behaviour analysis, in particular with a focus on information processing.
  • Acquisition of third-party funding: Support in the application for and realisation of third-party funded projects.
  • Interdisciplinary cooperation: Cooperation with other research groups within and outside the institution, especially in areas of high practical relevance.
  • Supervision: Supporting students with theses and scientific projects.
  • Project management: Participation in the planning, coordination and realisation of research projects.


  • Completed scientific university degree in computer science, information or data science or comparable disciplines, which gives access to the corresponding qualification level; a doctorate is an advantage,
  • ideally initial experience in acquiring third-party funding and in scientific publishing,
  • Very good knowledge of data collection and analysis, programming, modelling and the application of quantitative research methods is an advantage,
  • Team spirit, high motivation and enjoyment of interdisciplinary and international co-operation,
  • an independent and structured way of working and the ability to develop creative solutions to scientific problems.

You must also fulfil the recruitment requirements in accordance with 73 SächsHSG.

Please refrain from sending original documents, as your written documents will not be returned but will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations. If you would like your documents to be returned, please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope with your application.

Applications should be sent electronically or by post to the address below by 3 December 2024, quoting the keyword 'PVA01', together with the usual documents. Please note that, for security reasons, no electronic applications or attachments to applications that are made available for download via hyperlinks to third parties can be considered in the recruitment process.

Technische Universität ChemnitzQR-Code
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
Professorship Predictive Analytics
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Dr. Marco Ragni
09107 Chemnitz
E-Mail: simone.machnitzky@hsw.tu-chemnitz.de

Research Associate (m/f/d) - PostDoc

Salary level E 13 TV-L, 75%, temporary for 2 years - with option of extension

Research project: "Systems, Algorithms and Cognitive Models for Predicting Individual Human Reasoning (PREDIR)"

Temporary employment is subject to the provisions of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG) and the Sächsisches Hochschulfreiheitsgesetz (SächsHSFG) as amended.

Description of Responsibilities:

  • You will analyse existing cognitive theories of human reasoning from a computer science perspective
  • You will implement psychological theories of deductive and inductive reasoning, i. e. you will model and develop cognitive models and use machine learning methods
  • You will implement and evaluate behavioural experiments
  • You will write scientific publications for conferences and journals


  • Above-average academic degree (Master's degree and doctorate (PhD)) in computer science or cognitive science or comparable degree programs with a computer science background
  • Experience and interest in the research activities of the professorship
  • high motivation for research, proven by publications in scientific journals and/or at relevant conferences
  • very good programming skills (e. g. Python, R or others)
  • good knowledge of data science or statistical analysis
  • basic knowledge of cognitive psychology, machine learning or AI is an advantage
  • Interest in the development and implementation of psychological experiments
  • very good knowledge of English is mandatory

Please refrain from sending original documents, as your written documents will not be returned but will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations. If you would like your documents to be returned, please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope with your application.

Applications should be sent electronically (preferred) or by post to the address below by 30 of November 2024, quoting the keyword "MeTech | PREDIR", together with the usual documents. Please note that, for security reasons, no electronic applications or attachments to applications can be considered in the recruitment process if they are made available for download via hyperlinks to third parties.

Technische Universität ChemnitzQR-Code
Zentrum für Mensch und Technik
Professur Prädiktive Verhaltensanalyse
Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Dr. Marco Ragni
09107 Chemnitz
E-Mail: nadine.koch@metech.tu-chemnitz.de