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Cognitive Psychology and Human Factors
Things to Know
Cognitive Psychology and Human Factors 

Things to Know

In addition to scientific publications, our professorship also publishes a lot of interesting information, media and press articles on the topics of human factors, engineering psychology, usability and user experience. Here you can download materials and articles.



Jungnickel, K. & Brandenburg, S. (2023). Customer Experience als zentraler Faktor für den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg. Wie Customer Experience die Kundenloyalität erhöht. [Customer experience as a key factor for business success. How customer experience increases customer loyalty.] In M. Schutz Customer Experience als Faktor für wirtschaftlichen Erfolg im Mittelstand Link: https://business.adobe.com/de/resources/reports/cx-mittelstand.html

Download Whitepaper (pdf)


Press releases:

Our PANDERAM partner secuvera GmBH posted a final blog post on April 30, 2024. Here secuvera summarizes the completed projects from the past years. We would like to thank you for the reliable, productive and appreciative collaboration across several research projects.


Our project partner secuvera GmbH from the PANDERAM research project reports on February 5th, 2024 in another blog post about the design of the PANDERM app and the results of our second laboratory test. Click HERE for the article (in German).


The TU Chemnitz reports on December 4th, 2023 about our Mittelstand-Digital Innovation Hub "Focus Human". Our role, goals and offers within the center are described. Our partner BITMi also has its say.


Our project partner, the Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi), reports on the launch of the new Mittelstand-Digital Innovation Hub "Focus Human" in a press release from November the 20th 2023. It emphasizes that "it [...] is crucial that companies not only develop efficient and innovative software, but also consider the ethical and moral aspects of their technologies."
We look forward to working with the BITMi. More information on the focus of our professorship within the BMWK-funded project can be found here.


In its newsletter of Monday, July 17th, 2023, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection reports the launch of four new SME Digital Centers. Among them is the Mittelstand-Digital Innovation Hub "Focus Human", in which our professorship is involved.

The newsletter is available online here.


On Saturday, July 1st, 2023, hundreds celebrated their graduation at the TU Chemnitz as part of the graduation ceremony. Among them was our colleague Dorothea Liehr who gives an interview in the Instagram story in a (long black) gown. Congratulations to all post-doctoral, doctoral and graduate students who were able to twirl their berets in the air on the Opernplatz alongside Dorothea.


On May 3rd, 2023, the WDR television program "Aktuelle Stunde" (current hour) featured a report by Thomas Kramer on the question of whether modern cars with automatic transmissions and additional assistance systems increase the risk of accidents for senior citizens. Stefan Brandenburg was interviewed about this. Click here to watch the report:

WDR Aktuelle Stunde 3.5.2023

In the Süddeutsche Zeitung supplement of April the 28th, 2023, the extinction of the gearshift in the car is discussed on page 22 to 25 in the article "Abschiedsgrüße vom Getriebe" by Martin Wittmann. Stefan Brandenburg is quoted in the article and comments on the perception of competence and autonomy when driving.

Click this link to read the article (for a fee).

In April 2023, our project partner secuvera GmbH reported again in their blog about the collaboration with the Professorship of Cognitive Psychology & Human Factors, the research project PANDERAM and the positive evaluations of the prototype in the recently completed lab test.

The new blog post can be found here.

In January 2023, our project partner secuvera GmbH reported in their blog about our joint research project PANDERAM and our ongoing laboratory study.

Click here for the blog post.