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Chair of Organization and International Management

Courses Winter Term

Topics from the field of organizational research will be examined in more detail. Lectures and group discussions offer opportunities for reflection on current organizational challenges.

Follow this link for further information, registration, and materials.

Seminar (S, 2 LVS)
Oral presentation and written term paper (ASL)
Topics from the field of international management will be examined in more detail. Lectures and group discussions offer opportunities for reflection on current management challenges.

Follow this link for further information, registration, and materials.

Seminar (S, 2 LVS)
Oral presentation and co-presentation (ASL)
Knowledge of important behavioral science basics and theoretical approaches in the field of Organizational Behavior will be taught. In addition, an understanding of behavioral science oriented control of individuals and groups in organizations, of the development, and change of organizations is acquired.

Follow this link for further information, registration, and materials.

Lecture (V, 2 LVS) and Business Simulation (PS, 1 LVS)
Participation in the business simulation (PVL) and oral examination (PL)

Courses Summer Term

In close cooperation with partners from the fields of industry, services or public institutions, the course contents are applied in practice within two-semester projects based on specific problems. The projects can take the form of training, research or consulting.
German and English
Project (PR, 4 LVS)
Oral interim report (PVL), oral final presentation (PL), and written final report (PL)
Central aspects and specific challenges of (international) networks and cooperations are dealt with. Case studies are used in the exercises to analyze facts from different perspectives and problems are systematically worked through.

Follow this link for further information, registration, and materials.

Lecture (V, 2 LVS) and Tutorial (Ü, 1 LVS)
Case study analysis (ASL) and 60-minute written exam (English) (PL)
Essential classical and modern organizational theories are taught and used to interpret and reflect on cases, current problems, or situations in companies. This is done on the basis of the social and scientific theoretical foundations of the respective organizational theories as well as their central applications. Overall, the course is designed to enable students to conduct a theory-based analysis of current management and organizational issues or of current development trends of different types of organizations, to derive and evaluate appropriate alternative actions, and to critically reflect on the outcomes of interventions.

Follow this link for further information, registration, and materials.

Lecture (V, 2 LVS) and Tutorial (Ü, 1 LVS)
90-minute written exam (PL)