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Digital exams

Digital exams

General information: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, digital examinations are currently playing a central role in the successful organisation of the examination period in winter semester 2020/2021. Last semester, the implementation of digital written examinations was accompanied by a study conducted by the Chair of „Psychology of Digital Learning Media“ and the BMBF joint project „Teaching Practice in Transferplus“ the results of which are reflected in the recommendations on the following pages. A video tutorial on the didactic design and technical implementation of digital examinations at Chemnitz University of Technology can be found on Videocampus Sachsen.

To execute digital examinations, the Senate decided on 3 November 2020:

"Examiners could deviate from the teaching and examination form, specified in the module description, in summer semester 2020 and can do so in winter semester 2020/2021. If the form of teaching or examination deviates from the module description, students will be granted non-credit for an examination taken in winter semester 2020/2021, if the application (without giving reasons) for non-credit is submitted to the Central Examination Office (ZPA) by the time of a renewed registration for this examination, at the latest by 30.09.2021 (whichever is earlier). The application for non-credit should be made using the form provided by the ZPA. The resolution decided on in the Senate deliberation on 09.06.2020 under item 5a remains unaffected. The ZPA documents the number of applications received exclusively broken down by faculty (in the case of the Faculties of Natural Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the Faculty of Humanities, separated according to teaching units) and central institutions."