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University Computer Centre
User Account
University Computer Centre 

Your User Account

When becoming a member of the TU Chemnitz, a user account will be set up for you. All necessary data are administrated within the Identity Management Portal (short: IdM Portal).

An identy at the URZ consists of at least one first and one family name and is uniquely identified by a user name. With this identity users can identify themselves against different services, which is necessary to use them. For an exact identification, a combination of user name and password is needed.

Further information for the user account and further IdM services you will find within the service of the Identity Management

Direct access to your personal data and resources you may gain over the IdM Portal. Among others, you can execute the following actions there:

Activate your Account

At the beginning of your studies you receive a data record sheet („Datenkontrollblatt“) at the student's office. This sheet contains your matriculation number, personal data, and a service code. This code is relevant for activating your account.

Changing the Password

You should be the only person knowing your password. Do not write it down anywhere, learn it by heart. Log out or lock your screen when leaving the PC you're working at. In case you think, someone may have gained knowledge about your password, change it as soon as possible.

Managing Data and Resources

The User Menu leads you to the personal data stored within your user account. Please, keep it up-to-date, for instance in case of moving. You also gain access to different configuration menus for the resources and services you use.

Note: Resetting Password

You forgot your password? In this case, you must identify yourself in person at the user service during opening hours.

App- and Device-Specific Passwords

Storing your URZ password on a mobile device may evoke a considerable security risk. Service- and device-specific passwords offer more comfort and security for you.

Guest Accounts

Guest Scientists and staff of other universities are allowed to request an own username. Also, TU Chemnitz staff can request for short-time guest accounts or wifi for meetings and conferences.