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History of the Archives of Chemnitz University of Technology – Facts & Figures


Establishment of the Royal Industrial School Chemnitz as “root institution” of recent Chemnitz University of Technology (see History of Chemnitz University of Technology – Facts & Figures”): The storage and administration of records was organized by the Director himself


Establishment of a stable position for those tasks by a permanently employed clerk. Thanks to Franz Leon Detzner, the registry system at the Royal Industrial School developed significantly


Beginning of file recording in the Archives themselves. The reason for this rupture could not have been detected yet. Due to this fact, for documents for the period until the turn of the century, one has to rely on the complementary collections at the Central State Archives Dresden (in German). Anyhow, also for the period after the turn of the century, it offers comprehensive material.

September 1956

Establishment of the Archives: Archivist Erwin Jentzsch build up the Archives – literally by his own hands


Change in the position of Archivist: Lothar Weltz is the new Archivist. The Archives are allocated to the University Library.


The University Archives move from the university building Straße der Nationen 62 to the university building Thüringer Weg 9/11. The Archivist is appointed as commissioner of the President for the administration of records and thus comprehensive rights are assigned to him


In the course of the 3rd Higher Education Reform some schools (School for Mechanical and Textile Engineering, Institute for Education Karl-Marx-Stadt, School for Materials Engineering Karl-Marx-Stadt) are merged to the University of Technology including their archives


The Archives become again an independent scientific unit and are subordinated directly to the University Management


The Archives move from the university building Thüringer Weg 9/11 to the newly constructed university building Reichenhainer Straße 41


Change in the position of Archivist: Jutta Bohn is the new Archivist


Integration of the School for Mechanical Engineering (formerly: for Ore Mining) Breitenbrunn in the University of Technology Karl-Marx-Stadt. A branch of the Archives remains at Breitenbrunn where the records of the School and the School Department at the University of Technology were stored. In 1992, those documents were transferred to Chemnitz


The collections of the University Archives include 14 certificates, 1.000 serial meters of files, 2 bequests as well as special collections of photographs, reproductions and posters. In addition, it included a library of 2.000 volumes. The user space comprised 10 places for work


The change after reunification reached the Archives – they were temporarily closed

May 1992

Reduced operation by the former Archivist Lothar Weltz assisted by Dr. Dagmar Szöllösi (who then overtook the provisional management of the Archives). At the same time, several new collections were integrated (Institute for Teacher Education Rochlitz, Institute for Education and Further Training of Engineering Educators Karl-Marx-Stadt, University for Education Zwickau)

October 1995

Renewed change in the position of Archivist: Stephan Luther is the new head

Summer 1996

Liquidation of the branch in Zwickau and transfer of the archive material of the University for Education Zwickau as well as the Institute for Teacher Education Auerbach to Chemnitz

July 1997

The internal connection of the computers of the University Archives to Fast Ethernet is implemented

September 1997

The University Archives are present on the homepage of the University of Technology by own websites


Elaboration of an overview publication to the history of the university (in German)

January 2005

The data of the University Archives are integrated in the storage systems of the University Computer Center. The computers of the Archives are now administrated by the University Computer Center. Anyhow, there remains also administration responsibilities with the Archives

September 2006

Solemn Colloquium “Archives and Legislation in History” in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Archives as institution

February 2008

The Archives move to new bureaus in the first level of the university building Reichenhainer Straße 39, in return two rooms in the basement of the university building Reichenhainer Straße 41 were converted from bureaus to stacks

October 2008 – January 2009

Exhibition related to Studies at Chemnitz from 1836-2008 in collaboration with the Schloßbergmuseum Chemnitz

March 2010

The University Archives host the Spring Conference of the Expert Group 8 (Archives at universities and scientific institutions) of the Association of German Archivists

May – September 2011

Exhibition “Wissen, was gut ist“ („To know what is good“) in celebration of the 175th  anniversary of Chemnitz University of Technology (in German)

September/ October 2011

Touring exhibition “Walled in. The Saxon universities and August 13, 1961”

August 2012

Expansion by additional two rooms for stacks (one room at the university building Reichenhainer Str. 39, one at the university building Thüringer Weg 11) as the stack capacities were nearly exhausted


Integration of the University Archives as independent department in the University Library, Adoption of new regulations on the use of the Archives

January 2015

The University Archives and its collections are researchable via Archivportal D


Expansion by new stacks in the university building Straße der Nationen 62 (BK05), additional stack capacity of 400 serial meters

25.-27.03. 2015

The University Archives are co-hosting the 21st Saxon Archives Conference (in German). For the first time, this conference is broadcasted live in Internet


Change to new archive software Augias 9.0

May 2016

Exhibition of the University Archives in celebration of the 180th anniversary of Chemnitz University of Technology (in German)

April – July 2018

Lecture series (in German) of the University Archives regarding the history of the building of the “Ancient Spinning Mill”, Straße der Nationen 33

July 2018

Exhibition of the Saxon University Archives in cooperation with the Commissioner for Equal Opportunities of the University of Leipzig: “#herstory. Saxony and its female academics” (in German)

November 2018

Expansion by three new rooms for stacks in the university building Reichenhainer Straße 41

April 2020

The University Archives started the project “Corona Archive” for collection and documentation of individual experiences of adherents of the university made within the Corona-Crisis in order to preserve them for future generations

October/ November 2020

The University Archives move to the reconstructed new building of the Central University Library at Straße der Nationen 33 (“Ancient Spinning Mill”)

A short article was published on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the University Archives in autumn 1996 in the university journal TU-Spektrum 4/96 (in German).