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Additional Declaration on Data Protection

of Chemnitz University Library

This additional Declaration on Data Protection advises you in conjunction with the general Data Protection Policy of Chemnitz University of Technology, to which also should be paid attention, regarding kind, scope and purpose of the processing of personal-related data which you provide to the University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology within the public-service user relationship as well as to the University Press within the release process of your publication.

The processing of personal-related data regards each process implemented with or without automatic operations or each process chain of that kind in connection with personal-related data such as the collection, the acquisition, the preparation, the sorting, the retention, the adjustment and alteration, the retrieval, the usage, the disclosure by transmission, dissemination or another kind of provision, the matching or the linking, the limitation, the cancellation or the deletion.

For reasons of better legibility, this Declaration on Data Protection does not use gender-specific linguistic forms. However, all personal designations apply to all genders.

I. Name and contact details of responsible unit

Chemnitz University of Technology
represented by the President: Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier
Straße der Nationen 62
09111 Chemnitz, Germany
Email: rektor@tu-chemnitz.de
Phone: +49 371 531-10000
Fax: +49 371 531-10009
Web: www.tu-chemnitz.de

In case of questions regarding this Declaration on Data Protection or related data processing procedures or if you would like to make use of your rights accorded, you are welcome to address to us at any time:

Director of the University Library
Angela Malz
Straße der Nationen 33
09111 Chemnitz, Germany
Phone: +49 371 531-13100
E-Mail: service@bibliothek.tu-chemnitz.de.

II. Contact details of the Commissioner for Data Protection

Gernot Kirchner
Commissioner for Data Protection of Chemnitz University of Technology
Straße der Nationen 62
09111 Chemnitz, Germany
Email: datenschutzbeauftragter@tu-chemnitz.de
Phone: +49 371 531-12030
Fax: +49 371 531-12039
Web: www.tu-chemnitz.de/rektorat/dsb/

III. University Press of Chemnitz University of Technology

1. Scope and purpose of the processing of personal-related data

Chemnitz University of Technology, University Library/ University Press – subsequently designated solely as University Press Chemnitz – raises in the context of the conclusion of a publisher/ editor contract under private law the data required for the administration of authors and the publisher for the purpose of the publication of a book resp. a journal.

2. Legal basis for the processing of personal-related data

The legal basis for the processing of personal-related data is provided by article 6, section 1, page 1 letter b) of the General Regulations on Data Protection (DSGVO) in conjunction with the publisher/ editor contract (see also § 5 of the Regulations on the Usage of the University Press of Chemnitz University of Technology as well as its attachment in the respectively current version).

3. Categories of processed personal-related data

  • name, first name
  • private and official postal address (invoice address)
  • deviating delivery address, if applicable
  • phone number
  • email address

4. Recipients of personal-related data

The processing of personal-related data is implemented exclusively by the subsequently enumerated natural/ legal persons:

  1. University Press, Chemnitz University of Technology (receives all data stated in number III. 3. for the author and publisher administration with the purpose of the publication of a book resp. a journal))
  2. University Library, Chemnitz University of Technology (receives name and first name of the author for the cataloging of the book/ the journal in the library catalogs)
  3. University Computer Center, Chemnitz University of Technology (all data stated in number III. 3. are stored on the servers of the University Computer Center)
  4. Finance Department of Chemnitz University of Technology (receives all data stated in number III. 3. for accounting purposes)
  5. Books on Demand (BoD) as provider of print and sales services within an order management framework according to article 28 DSGVO. Books on Demand (BoD) processes on behalf of Chemnitz University of Technology name and first name of the author resp. the editor as data required for the implementation of all necessary procedures related to the publication of the book.

The personal-related data will not be forwarded to third-parties nor be transmitted to another EU-country resp. a third country or to an international organization.

5. Retention period (deletion of data – limitation of retention)

The personal-related data processed by us will exclusively be stored in a manner allowing the identification of the persons affected insofar this is necessary with regard to the purposes for which they had been processed. Of particular relevance in this context is the period of availability of the book resp. the journal on the book market agreed on in the publishing contract. Account books, inventories, status reports, vouchers etc. have compulsorily to be stored for ten years according to §§ 147 sec. 1 of the Regulations for the Storage of Documents (AO) and 257 sec.1 no. 1 and 4, sec. 4 Commercial Code (HGB), whereas commercial letters received and sent for six years according to § 257 sec. 1 no. 2 and 3, sec. 4 HGB. In those cases, the data will not be deleted but solely limited, which means that the data will be blocked and not being used for other purposes.

6. Legal/ contractual regulations regarding the provision of personal-related data and consequences in the case of non-provision

The provision of personal-related data is required for the conclusion of a contract so that you are obliged to assist in the provision of personal-related data. The non-provision of personal-related data would lead to the consequence that no publisher/ editor contract under private law in the sense mentioned above could be concluded.

IV. University Library - Usage

1. Scope and purpose of the processing of personal-related data

The University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology – subsequently solely designated as University Library Chemnitz – raises personal-related data in the context of the usage of the University Library within a public-service user-relationship.

2. Legal basis for the processing of personal-related data

The legal basis for the processing of personal-related data within a public-service user-relationship is provided by art. 6 sec. 1 page 1 letter e) DSGVO in conjunction with §§ 15, 92 sec. 3, 93 University Freedom Act of the State of Saxony (SächsHSG) in conjunction with the Usage Regulations of the University Library Chemnitz in the respectively current version.

3. Categories of processed personal-related data

  • name, first name
  • date of birth
  • library identity card in the form of a TUC-card: date of validity, library user number
  • postal address of the main place of residence as well as presentation of a valid identity card or passport and simple certificate of registration according to § 18 sec. 1 Federal Registration Act (BMG)
  • in the case of students the postal address at the residence of studies in addition as well as presentation of student identity card as student of Chemnitz University of Technology
  • email-addresses, number of enrolment, number of structural unit, if applicable
  • in case of legal persons the postal address of the company resp. the office in addition as well as certification of authorization
  • in case of minors name and postal address of the legal representative, its declaration of consent in written form as well as its valid personal identity card (resp. a copy of the front and reverse side) or its valid passport jointly with simple certificate of registration (resp. respective copies) in addition

4. Source of personal-related data

The University Library receives the personal-related data of students of Chemnitz University of Technology subsequent to the completion of a public-service user-relationship by the transfer of data of the University Computer Center of Chemnitz University of Technology. In case of staff members of Chemnitz University of Technology or of non-members of Chemnitz University of Technology, the data are raised and recorded initially by the University Library from the part of the persons affected.

5. Recipients of personal-related data

The processing of personal-related data is implemented exclusively by the subsequently enumerated natural/ legal persons:

a) University Library, Chemnitz University of Technology

The University Library Chemnitz records all data stated in number IV.3. in the context of the usage of the University Library within a public-service user-relationship upon the registration of the user.

b) University Computer Center, Chemnitz University of Technology

All data stated in number IV.3. are stored on the servers of the University Computer Center.

In case of non-members of Chemnitz University of Technology without valid university identity card (TUC-Card), additionally

  • name, first name
  • date of validity
  • library user number

are transferred by an internal technical interface to the TUC-Card-system of the University Computer Center of Chemnitz University of Technology in order to create a Library Identity Card in the manner of a TUC-Card.

c) Finance Department, Chemnitz University of Technology

The Finance Department is provided name, first name and postal address for accounting purposes in the case of long-lasting overdue cases.

d) Student Service, Chemnitz University of Technology

The Student Service records from the students i.a. the name, first name, date of birth, postal address of main place of residence and postal address at the place of studies, email-addresses, number of enrolment and provides exclusively the data mentioned in the case of completion of a public-service user-relationship via the University Computer Center to the University Library.

e) Order management provider according to art. 28 DSGVO: University Library of the University of Leipzig (University Library Leipzig) in the context of the Discovery-System „finc“ (librarian search engine)

The University Library Leipzig receives in the context of the technical provision of the catalog „finc“ incl. the user services the following data: name, first name, date of birth, postal address of the main place of residence, in case of students additionally the postal address at the place of studies as well as email-addresses, number of enrolment, number of structural unit, if applicable, in the case of legal persons additionally the postal address of the company resp. the office, in the case of minors additionally name and postal address of the legal representative.

f) Information of third-parties regarding holders of an Individual Reserve Collection

Upon application, a respective Individual Reserve Collection as longer-term loan may be accorded to professors of Chemnitz University of Technology. The holder of an Individual Reserve Collection authorizes the University Library according to § 19 of the Usage Regulations of the University Library Chemnitz to inform interested users about his name. He is obliged to provide access to the media to other users.

The personal-related data will not be forwarded to other than the third-parties mentioned nor be transferred to another EU-country resp. a third-country or an international organization.

6. Retention period (deletion of data – limitation of retention)

The personal-related data processed by us will exclusively be stored in a manner allowing the identification of the persons affected insofar this is necessary with regard to the purposes for which they had been processed.

Upon request of the user, the personal-related data raised and the personal-related procedural and processing data emerged within the user-relationship may be deleted at any time and thus the public-service user-relationship terminated insofar there are no remaining obligations of the user towards the library.

In addition, the deletion and thus the termination of the public-service user-relationship is implemented subsequent to one year of inactivity which means without any active usage e.g. in the kind of borrowing procedures or applications for prolongation. The corresponding applies to the case of de-enrolment of students or the termination of an employment relationship at Chemnitz University of Technology insofar it has not been applied for prolongation of the validity of the user identity card according to § 6 section 2 sentence 3 of the Usage Regulations of the University Library.

7. Legal/ contractual regulations regarding the provision of personal-related data and consequences in the case of non-provision

The provision of personal-related data is required for the usage of the University Library Chemnitz so that you are obliged to assist in the provision of personal-related data. The non-provision of your personal-related data would lead to the consequence that the foundation of a public-service user-relationship and thus the usage of the University Library Chemnitz would not be possible.

Members and adherents of Chemnitz University of Technology are furthermore obliged according to § 15 sec. 2 SächsHSG to provide their personal-related data insofar they are required for the fulfillment of the tasks according to § 15 sec. 1 SächsHSG and thus for the foundation of a public-service user-relationship within the Usage Regulations of the University Library Chemnitz.

V. University Library – Full text repository Monarch/Qucosa

1. Scope and purpose of the processing of personal-related data

The University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology – subsequently solely designated as University Library Chemnitz – raises and processes the subsequently enumerated personal-related data in the context of the archiving and provision of online publications in full text-version and the corresponding metadata of adherents and members of Chemnitz University of Technology on the document repository Monarch/Qucosa. The University Library receives the personal-related data directly from the authors who either enter the data themselves in Monarch/Qucosa or ask the University Library to do so on their behalf.

  • name, first name
  • email-address at Chemnitz University of Technology
  • if applicable (voluntary, if applied for) ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

2. Legal basis for the processing of personal-related data

The legal basis for the processing of personal-related data is provided by the publishing contract between the author and the University Library Chemnitz (art. 6 sec. 1 letter b) DSGVO).

3. Recipients of personal-related data

The processing of personal-related data is implemented exclusively by the subsequently enumerated natural/ legal persons:

a) University Library, Chemnitz University of Technology

The University Library Chemnitz records all data stated in number V.1. in the context of archiving and provision of online-publications in full text-version and the corresponding metadata of adherents and members of Chemnitz University of Technology on the document repository Monarch/Qucosa

b) Order management provider according to art. 28 DSGVO Saxon State Library – State and University Library Dresden (SLUB)

The State and University Library Dresden receives name, first name, email-address and, if applicable, (voluntary, if applied for) the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) for the technical provision of the full text-repository Monarch/Qucosa.

The personal-related data will not be forwarded to other than the third-parties mentioned nor be transferred to another EU-country resp. a third-country or an international organization.

4. Retention period (deletion of data – limitation of retention)

The personal-related data processed by us will exclusively be stored in a manner allowing the identification of the persons affected as long as a publishing contract regarding the long-time-archiving on the full text-repository is valid. As soon as it is cancelled, the data will be irreversibly deleted, otherwise the personal-related data including the release on the full text-repository will generally be stored permanently.

5. Legal/ contractual regulations regarding the provision of personal-related data and consequences in the case of non-provision

The provision of personal-related data is required for the conclusion of a contract so that you are obliged to assist in the provision of personal-related data. The non-provision of personal-related data would lead to the consequence that no publisher contract under private law in the sense mentioned above could be concluded, which means also no archiving of the publications on the full text-repository Monarch/Qucosa.

VI. Rights of persons affected

In the case that the preconditions required are fulfilled, you are entitled to make use of the subsequently mentioned rights towards the Responsible Unit: Right for Disclosure, Right for Adjustment, Right for Deletion (Right for Falling into Oblivion), Right for Limitation of the Processing, Right for Information, Right for Transferability of Data, Right for Objection, Right for Withdrawal from the Declaration of Consent regarding Data Protection, Right for not being submitted to an exclusively automatized decision procedure as well as Right for Appeal to the Supervisory Authorities. For further information and details regarding your rights as affected person, please consult our General Declaration on Data Protection: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/datenschutz.html.en.

VII. Validity of this Declaration on Data Protection

This Declaration on Data Protection is currently valid and dates from January 18, 2022.