University News: Naturwissenschaften
Plans for a Lightweight Super Cluster
Chemnitz University of Technology and TU Braunschweig want to merge their competencies in lightweight construction and advance their internationally leading position with their network partners
Professorship tendering decided
Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Faculty of Humanities receive a joint W3 professorship – Faculty of Natural Sciences receives a W2 professorship
New Episode of TUCtalk released
In the new episode of “TUCtalk” Chemnitz University President Prof. Gerd Strohmeier answers questions on past and future challenges
Running for the university
Chemnitz University of Technology has the chance to win the title of „most sportive company” in the WiC Company Run on September 6, 2017 – running enthusiasts can register until August 25, 2017
Knowing one’s own visibility
University library supports researchers with bibliometric analysis of their own publications – survey on the usage of citation databases
Taking the Leap into Industrial Application
The junior research group "FiberCer" wants to develop environmentally friendly production technologies for fibre ceramics for innovative lightweight products
Summer, Sun, and the Writing Project
From August 14 till 18, 2017, students can work together on their writing projects – the Schreibwoche (writing week) offers once again content and structure related support
Wanted: Diplomats for New York
Students of all departments of Chemnitz University of Technology can apply for the globally biggest United Nations simulation in Spring 2018 in New York until August 7, 2017
DAAD will extend the funding period for the project “InProTUC”
The project “InProTUC” will be extended until 2019 – Application deadline for sponsorship is September 30, 2017
„ServiceLine“ informs at eye level
For a good start into the winter semester 2017/18: Chemnitz University of Technology offers a service hotline for counselling and information on studies
A fresh breeze in old (and new) channels
The Social Media Team of Chemnitz University introduce itself
Start-Ups compete
Three Start-Ups from Chemnitz University want to succeed against 64 other companies in Saxony for the 2017 futureSAX Idea Award on August 28, 2017
Improvement of study quality
3rd student survey in Saxony currently running
In the forefront of internationalization in Germany
Chemnitz University advances in nearly all areas of annual report elaborated by the German Rectors’ Conference and the German Academic Exchange Service
Full TUCforum meets for the first time
An appreciated practitioner
A throwback on the 100th death anniversary: Adolf Ferdinand Weinhold developed the “Weinholdsche Bottle” and introduced the lecture of electrical engineering in Chemnitz
Successful premiere for the TUCsommernacht
More than 1.000 Guests experienced a wunderful evening at Chemnitz University - the next TUCsommernacht will take place on June 23, 2018
Best Practice for high-level networking
AC21 Networking Meeting organized by Chemnitz University of Technology on the occasion of the NAFSA held for the 9th time on 30 May 2017 at Los Angeles
Student-Clip goes viral
The story of an intercultural friendship
Premiere for the „TUC Summer Night“
New event format for the complete university public will replace the previous "Frühlingsgala"