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Summer, Sun, and the Writing Project

From August 14 till 18, 2017, students can work together on their writing projects – the Schreibwoche (writing week) offers once again content and structure related support

The semester break is rung in, the last exams written, and the sun invites to swim or hike –only if there wouldn’t still be a term paper or final paper to write. Especially in the well-deserved semester break it is hard to sit at your desk. Therefore, as a part of the teaching quality pact the project team “TU4U” and the university library organized the writing week to enhance students’ motivation and to simplify the work overall.

For five days, the fifth floor of the university library I is transformed into a writing workshop. Writing, counselling, and break rooms with a small buffet are available for the participants and can be used by the writers as needed. No matter if writing in a group, get consultation by writing counsellors, or individually enjoying the atmosphere of the writing workshop is up to anyone in his or her own means. This includes the voluntary participation on the writing workshops. Aside from an introduction to the scientific language, the presentation of different writing methods, workshops on reference management with Zotero, time management during the writing process, and presentations of the written results, the workshop shall also provide impetus on academic writing. Every day starts with a workshop. Afterwards or already parallelly can be worked on the individual writing projects. Writing counsellors are constantly available and can support in various stages of the work such as topic finding, structural organization, or the writing itself.

“Already the first editions of the writing week in the previous semesters showed that writing together increases motivation and perseverance. Thus, the participants can focus on their project intensively for one week and can enjoy the rest of the summer without their project lingering in the back of their heads”, says Sara Rodefeld of the “TU4U” team.

Contact: Sara Rodefeld, phone +49 371 531 39187, email sara.rodefeld@phil.tu-chemnitz.de

Matthias Fejes

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