University News: International
Chemnitz Professor to Lead the ALUS
Prof. Dr. Cecile Sandten has been elected President of the Association for Literary Urban Studies
Digital Support Offers with “TUCinterdigital“
The digital platform “DigiAssist” for international students has been complemented – Survey on DigiAssist and further services started
Wasting Less Resources: Conference Aims to Generate Solutions for Lean Production
Europe's most important conference in the field of lean management will take place in Chemnitz from September 25 to 27, 2024
Going abroad with Erasmus+
The application for doing a semester abroad with Erasmus+ during winter semester 2024/25 and summer semester 2025 is still open until March 31, 2024
Springs Aboard – Gently Feeling the Way to Grasp the Microcosmos
Researchers from Chemnitz, Dresden und Shenzhen (China) describe in an article in the prestigious journal "Nature Nanotechnology“, how tiny magnetic springs can significantly advance medical applications
The World’s Leading Conference for Production Management is Coming to Chemnitz in 2024
43rd Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS) conference will take place at the Carlowitz Congress Center from September 8th to 12th, 2024
International Women-in-Science Day Will Be Celebrated for the First Time at Chemnitz University of Technology on February 2, 2024
Intercultural experiences and international exchange deepened through "Across Seasonal Schools" at Chemnitz University of Technology
A series of events funded by the DAAD and BMBF brought together over 100 young people from all ten Across partner institutions in Chemnitz, promoting international research exchange and demonstrating the partnership in practice
First ERC Consolidator Grant for Chemnitz University of Technology: Electrochemist Receives One of the Most Prestigious EU Grants for Cutting-Edge Research
Prof. Dr. Karin Leistner from Chemnitz University of Technology will develop materials for electrochemically switchable micromagnets with outstanding energy efficiency for later use in medical technology, microscopy, and microrobotics, for which she will receive two million euros
Prestigious Calliope Award 2023 for Concept Development of City Walks on local Migration History
Four researchers from Chemnitz University of Technology receive the award for practice-oriented migration research from the German Emigration Center and its foundation endowed with 20,000 Euro.
International Days: Chemnitz University of Technology provides information about opportunities to study abroad
On 29 and 30 November 2023, Chemnitz University of Technology's International Office will be advising on semesters and internships abroad together with domestic and international guests on
Prof. Dr. Karin Leistner Helped Shape Influential International Magnetism Conference as Co-Chair of the Program Committee
The expert in future materials based on magnetoelectricity from Chemnitz University of Technology participated in the Program Committee of the 68th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2023 in Dallas
Delegation of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society visits Chemnitz University of Technology
A delegation from the world's leading professional association for electronics and electrical engineers, IEEE, visited University – the main topic was preparations for the world's leading conference in the field of measurement technology, I2MTC, which will be organised in Chemnitz in 2025 and thus in Germany for the first time
International Award for Chemnitz Mathematician
Dr. Kateryna Pozharska, research associate at the Professorship of Applied Analysis, received the "Joseph F. Traub Young Researcher Award" for her outstanding research contribution
Shaping a Unique European Higher Education Area Through Active International Partnership in the Across Alliance
Representatives of the Across European higher education alliance coordinated by Chemnitz University of Technology met in Chemnitz in mid-October 2023 – Executive Board presented vision for development of common structures in research, teaching, transfer, and mobility
International Master’s Program Trains Experts in Sustainable Production
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology cooperates with five universities in France, Italy, Norway and Slovenia - In the first semester, students start at the French École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Saint-Étienne, in the third semester they can also transfer to Chemnitz University of Technology
Funding in the Millions for Cutting-Edge Research in the Field of Heating and Cooling Technology: DFG Establishes New Research Unit Under the Leadership of Chemnitz University of Technology
Important contribution to more efficient heat pumps: The German Research Foundation has decided to establish the "Archimedes" research unit, which for the first time is developing an easy-to-use calculation model for "oil-refrigerant mixtures" used in heating and cooling technology - Spokesman of the research unit, which is funded with around four million euros, is Professor Markus Richter from Chemnitz University of Technology
TODOSustainable Living Technology
In a recent article in the high-profile journal “Advanced Materials”, researchers in Chemnitz show just how close and necessary the transition to sustainable living technology is, based on the morphogenesis of self-assembling microelectronic modules, strengthening the recent membership of Chemnitz University of Technology with the European Centre for Living Technology (ECLT) in Venice.
"Young Researcher Award" for groundbreaking work on micro-batteries
Hongmei Tang from the MAIN Research Center at Chemnitz University of Technology received an award for her promising research results on micro-batteries with novel battery chemistry and architectures for potential application in integrating tiny energy sources on a chip
Impressive Testimony to the Tremendous Diversity of Nanomembrane Research
At the second Annual Meeting of the Research Center MAIN at Chemnitz University of Technology, approximately 80 researchers discussed current trends in nanomembrane research