Present like a professional – new offer for international students
TU4U of the TU Chemnitz produces online-videos for improving presentation skills
The best presentation hints just one click away: The video series „Chemnitz University of Technology Presentation Guide” is produced by TU4U which is a project funded by the Ministry of Education and Research and part of the TU Chemnitz. The aim of the videos is to support international students at preparing and giving successful presentations. In total the series will comprehend up to 30 videos: There will be published four introduction videos, twelve videos each about preparation and performance and two videos about the follow-up of a presentation. Besides the basics, like the guide line of a presentation, there will also be more specific topics, like how to react to criticism discussed in the videos. The learning videos will be added step by step to the TU Chemnitz YouTube-channel. The first episode of the Presentation Guide „The structure of presentations“ is already online:
TU4U Employee Luis Meier emphasizes the benefits of the e-learning module: “Students can easily access helpful information anytime are addressed directly and get professional support even for particular problems”.
The project was initiated by Ronald Herzog of Arbeitsstelle Gestenforschung & Sprechwissenschaft. Herzog already published a German video series to the topic of presenting which you can also find on the TU Chemnitz Channel.
Further information: Luis Meier from TU4U phone: 0371 531-31078 and mail: (Author: Nina Schreyer)
Mario Steinebach