Study financing and study support
State universities of the Free State of Saxony do not charge study fees.
Costs that may arise are dependent from your current living conditions and your personal life quality standards. However, you will definitely have to pay contributions for the services of the student union, the student council and the semester ticket.
Most of the students have to deal with financial issues during their studies. Please find some financing options in the following:
BAföG helps the students manage their studies financially.
In order to be granted BAföG, please submit a written form to the "Amt für Ausbildungsförderung" at the student union.
The level of support is dependent from the income of your parents and other criteria. BAföG is being granted 50 % as a non-interest bearing loan and 50 % as an allowance. Each application is a case-by-case decision.
The refund is socially acceptable and usually starts 5 years after the maximum support term (regular study time of the respective study course). Monthly installments of about 105,00 EUR are made. The loan may partly be waived when the studies are rapidly finished with a very good result.
Further financial sources of the student union
Next to BAföG, the student union offers a variety of other financial sources, such as:
- Student loan (KfW-student loan)
- Bridging loan (by Darlehenskasse)
- Students with special needs (disability, chronic deseases, students with children) are supported by the German Student union (Deutsches Studentenwerk)
- Education loan by the Bundesverwaltungsamt
More information can be found here.
Next to the common sources for searching for a job, such as daily papers and internet, the TU Chemnitz offers a special service. The job placement of the employment agency (Agentur für Arbeit) is located directly at the campus, Reichen-hainer Str. 70, Room D025 and informs the students about available job offers.
Jobs offered directly at the university are really popular among the students seeking employment. These so called “HiWi-Stellen” (jobs for student assistants) are mostly offered by the respective Faculty and give the opportunity to both earn money and get an insight into the daily life of the Faculty. More information about job advertisements can be found di-rectly at the Faculty or on the webpages of the university.
Next to the support by BAföG, certain foundations also offer financial study support. Unlike BAföG, they are not to be refunded. However, they require a high level of personal initiative by the time of application. The respective foundations expect different criteria to be fulfilled by the applicant, e. g. good grades, outstanding study performances, societal and social engagement of the applicant (e. g. youth work, higher education policy, etc.). Further information can be found at the foundations themselves or at the contact persons (trust lecturers) at TU Chemnitz.
Further scholarships, support programs, awards:
- Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen
- Deutschlandstipendium
- Scholarships of the Industrieverein Sachsen
- Study stays abroad, also internships
More information can be found here:
- Stipendium Plus - support of talented students in the context of higher education
- Servicestelle für Elektronische ForschungsförderInformationen
- Stipendien-Datenbank
- Stipendientipps - Alphabetical list of support opportunities
- support offers of the DAAD / offers of other support organisations for a study stay in Germany