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Department of Advanced Powertrains
Drive systems 2 - Engines

Drive systems 2 - Engines


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas von Unwerth

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Schrank


The course is held in in sommer term.

This subject has a digital lecture that can be found at https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/23156424747

teaching method:
  • lectures: 2 LVS
  • exercises: 1 LVS
  • practicum: 1 LVS


  • Historical development
  • Procedures, cycles
  • Real motor
  • Ignition and combustion, carburation
  • Forced induction
  • Established motors
  • Engine dynamics
  • Engine components
  • Cylinder, cylinder head, valve train
  • Overall structure of engines


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