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Physics of Cognition


Projects and Fellowships

VolkswagenStiftung (Framework "Pioneer Projects – Impetus for the German Research System")
Project "Ethiktool - A software solution to support the ethical assessment of research projects"
(since 04/2023: with Alexandra Bendixen, TU Chemnitz (coordinator) and Katarina Blask, Leibniz Institute for Psychology / ZPID)

German Research Foundation (DFG)
Project B5 in the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) "Cardinal Mechanisms of Perception" (funding phase III)
(01/2022-12/2025, with Jutta Billino)

German Research Foundation (DFG)
Project C01 in the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) "Hybrid Societies" (funding phase I)

German Research Foundation (DFG)
Projects B1 and B4 in the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) "Cardinal Mechanisms of Perception" (funding phase II)
(01/2018-12/2021, with Bianca Wittmann (B1) and Harald Lachnit (B4))

German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development
Objective Measurements of Perception and Attention
(01/2018-12/2020, with Yaffa Yeshurun)

German Research Foundation (DFG)
Multistabile Wahrnehmung im Modalitätsvergleich: Auflösung sensorischer Ambiguitäten beim Sehen und Hören [Multistable perception across modalities: Resolution of sensory ambiguities in vision and audition]
(since 10/2017, with Alexandra Bendixen)

German Research Foundation (DFG)
Projects B1 und B4 in the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) "Cardinal Mechanisms of Perception" (funding phase I)
(04/2014-03/2016, with Bianca Wittmann (B1) and Harald Lachnit (B4))

German Research Foundation (DFG)
Member of the International Research Training Group  "The brain in action"

German Research Foundation (DFG) and Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
Common neural substrates for uncertainty processing in decision-making and perception
(2011-2015, with Kerstin Preuschoff)

German Research Foundation (DFG)
Die Rolle von Bildmerkmalen für die Interaktion von Aufmerksamkeit und Objekterkennung unter natürlichen Bedingungen

Bildstatistik von Blickzielen beim Menschen bei natürlicher Exploration (with E. Schneider, LMU, 07/2006-06/2007)

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
Dissociation "Top-down" from "Bottom-up" signals in human visual attention.
(Fellowship for advanced researchers, 04/2006-12/2006)

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
"Top-down" and "Bottom-up" control of human overt attention under natural conditions.
(Fellowship for prospective researchers, 04/2005-03/2006)

Honda RI Europe
Learning relevant representations in the hierarchy of the visual system

Workshops and Research Groups

Center for Interdisiciplinary Research (ZIF) Bielefeld
Competition and Priority Control in Mind and Brain: New Perspectives from Task-Driven Vision
(ZIF research group, 10/2012-07/2013, with W.X. Schneider) 

German Research Foundation (DFG)
Neural Coding, Decision-Making & Integration in Time
(workshop, 04/2012, with J. Trommershäuser & K.P. Körding)