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International Relations
International Relations

Jakob Kullik, M. A.



in English:

  • Seminar "Resource Management: Challenges for Political Processes" (WS 2019/20), Seminar for Bachelor students of Political Science and Master students of Advanced Manufacturing
  • Seminar "Energy and Resource Policy: Analysis and Management" (WS 2018/19), Seminar for Bachelor students of Political Science and Master students of Advanced Manufacturing
  • Seminar-Workshop :"German-Israeli Relations" in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Beate Neuss (TU Chemnitz) and Dr. Michael Dahan (Sapir Academic College, Sderot/Israel) (WS 2017/18 & SS 2018), Seminar (workshop) for Bachelor and Master students of Political Science, European Studies, Intercultural Communication, Psychology and others
  • Seminar-Workshop :"German-Israeli Relations - Migration Societies under Stress" in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Beate Neuss (TU Chemnitz) and Dr. Michael Dahan (Sapir Academic College, Sderot/Israel) (WS 2016/17 & SS 2017), Seminar (workshop) for Bachelor and Master students of Political Science, European Studies, Intercultural Communication, Psychology and others
  • Seminar-Workshop :"German-Israeli Relations" in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Beate Neuss (TU Chemnitz) and Dr. Michael Dahan (Sapir Academic College, Sderot) (WS 2015/16 & SS 2016), Seminar (workshop) for Bachelor and Master students of Political Science, European Studies, Intercultural Communication, Psychology and others

in German:

  • Seminar "Vertiefende Grundlagen der Internationalen Politik (Advanced Introduction to International Relations), Seminar for Bachelor students of Political Science (SS 2019)
  • Übung "Einführung in die Internationale Politik" (Introduction to International Relations), Tutorial for Bachelor students of Political Science and European Studies (WS 2016/17)
  • Übung "Einführung in die Internationale Politik" (Introduction to International Relations), Tutorial for Bachelor students of European Studies (WS 2015/16)
  • Seminar "Russlands Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik" (Russia's Foreign and Security Policy), Seminar for Bachelor students of Political Science and European Studies (WS 2013/14)
Nummer Name Zeit Raum Details
[Übung] []
Module: Politikwissenschaft: BM-IP1, weitere Informationen in Opal
Donnerstag (Wöchentlich)
(neu: C25.043)

In the summer semester 2024, a tutorial will be offered for the lecture. More information will follow in the course.

  • 2016-2018 Project Chair of the annual Seminar Workshop “German-Israeli Relations” together with Prof. Dr. Beate Neuss (Chemnitz) and Dr. Michael Dahan (Sapir Academic College, Sderot, Israel)
  • 11/2015-04/2016 Research Associate in the joint Research Project "Energy Systems of the Future", German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) & Helmholtz Centre Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • since 2015 Research Associate, Professorship of International Relations, Chemnitz University of Technology
  • since 2014 PhD Project "The German and EU Resource Policies on Critical Hightech-Metals: Rare Earths, Cobalt, Lithium, Indium"
  • since 2013 Research Fellow, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Freiberg
  • Bachelor in European Studies and Master in Political Science from Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany) and Polytechnical University of Tomsk (Russia)

Scholarships and Awards


  • 2014-2018 Merit Doctoral Scholarship from the Foundation of German Business (SDW)
  • 2014 Scholarship for Summer School in Belarus, from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • 2011 Scholarship for Student Exchange in Russia, from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • 2010-2013 Merit Scholarship from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS)


  • 2nd Prize for Master's Thesis on Germany's Cyber Security, Young Researchers Award for Security Policy "Aquila ascendes", 18 July 2015, Munich (Prize Money: 400 EUR)
  • 1st Prize for Best Presentation „Germany's raw materials policy: Efforts to supply security with critical raw materials by the government and industry“, International Forum-Competition of Young Researchers, 22-24 April 2015, National Mineral Resources University Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • 1st Prize in University Student Competition „Ten minutes only! Students of the Philosophical Faculty present their research projects", 21 January 2014, TU Chemnitz (Prize Money: 300 EUR)
  • 1st Prize for Best Students Presentation on Cyber Security Policies of Germany and Russia in Comparison, International Scientific Conference "Germany and Russia in a globalized World: Future of bilateral relations", 22-25 April 2013, Tomsk, Russia


  • Young Foreign Policy Experts of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
  • "dialog e.V. - Vereinigung deutscher und russischer Ökonomen" (Association of German and Russian Economists)

Research focus

  • Markets of Raw Materials and Critical Minerals (Rare Earths, Cobalt, Lithium, Indium)
  • Resource Policies and Supply Security of Germany, the EU and China
  • Geopolitics and Resources
  • Cyber Security and Cyber Security Policies of Germany, the EU and Russia
  • Foreign and Security Policy of Germany, the EU and Russia

A comprehensive list of all publications and presentations can be found on the German version of this website.

in English:

  • Kullik, Jakob (2019): Below the Radar: The strategic significance of rare earths for the economic and military security of the West, Security Policy Working Paper No. 13/2019, Federal Academy for Security Policy.

  • Frenzel, Max / Kullik, Jakob / Reuter, Markus / Gutzmer, Jens (2017): Raw material 'criticality' - sense or nonsense?, in: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 50, No. 12 (Open Access).

  • Klossek, Polina / Kullik, Jakob / van den Boogart, Karl Gerald (2016): A systemic approach to the problems of the rare earth market, in: Resources Policy, 50(2016), pp. 131-140.

in German:

  • Gutzmer, Jens / Kullik, Jakob (2019): Seltene Erden: Der Westen ist naiv und passiv, Gastkommentar im Handelsblatt, 23.07.2019.

  • Kullik, Jakob (2019): Unter dem Radar: Die strategische Bedeutung Seltener Erden für die wirtschaftliche und militärische Sicherheit des Westens, Arbeitspapier 13/2019, Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik.

  • Kullik, Jakob (2018): Die USA sind ein schwieriger Partner im Bereich Cybersicherheit, in: Tagesspiegel, 2. Februar 2018.

  • Wellmer, Friedrich-W. / Gutzmer, Jens / Kullik, Jakob / Erlach, Berit (2017): Die Energiewende braucht verlässliche Rahmenbedingungen für den Metallerzbergbau, in: GAiA - Ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, 26/3 (2017), S. 233-236.

  • Arbeitskreis Junge Außenpolitiker der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (2017): Die Zukunft der deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen (I): Handelspolitik (The Future of German-American Relations: Trade Policy), in: Analysen & Argumente, 248/2017, Berlin.

  • Interview, NDR Info. , Streitkräfte und Strategen, Cyber-Kommando - Schein statt Sein? (The German Cyber Command - Ready fo Action?)

  • acatech / Leopoldina / Akademienunion (Hrsg.) (2017): Rohstoffe für die Energiewende: Wege zu einer sicheren und nachhaltigen Versorgung (Raw Materials for the Energy Transition: Ways to a secure and sustainable Supply), Stellungnahme, Februar 2017 (Schriftenreihe zur wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung), Wissenschaftliche Referenten: Erlach, Berit / Kullik, Jakob (gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung / Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education of Research).

  • Arbeitskreis Junge Außenpolitiker der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (2016): Deutschlands Präsidentschaft in der G20 (I): Initiativen in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (Germany's G20 Presidency: Initiatives for Development Cooperation), in: Analysen & Argumente, 219/2016, Sankt Augustin.

  • Arbeitskreis Junge Außenpolitiker der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (2015): Deutsche Verantwortung in der internationalen Politik (I): die deutsche OSZE-Präsidentschaft (Germany's Responsibility in International Politics: the German OSCE Presidency, in: Analysen & Argumente, 189/2015, Sankt Augustin.

  • Kullik, Jakob (2014): Rohstoffversorgung verantwortungsvoll und nachhaltig sichern (Securing supply of resources in a responsible and sustainable way) – 4. BDI-Rohstoffkongress am 3. Juli 2014, in: Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, Nr. 58, Dezember 2014, S. 22-25.

  • Kullik, Jakob (2014): Vernetzte (Un-)Sicherheit? Eine politisch-rechtliche Analyse der deutschen Cybersicherheitspolitik (Connected (In)Security? A political and legal analysis of the German Cyber Security Policy), Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg.

  • Kullik, Jakob (2012): Konflikt oder Kooperation? Die Arktis als potenzielle Ressourcen-Region (Conflict or Cooperation? The Arctic as a potential resource region), in: if - Zeitschrift für Innere Führung der Bundeswehr, 2/2012, S. 29-35.

in English:

  • "Europe's Resource (In)Security with Critical Metals: The Need for a Stronger Political Engagement", "Future Security 2018" Science Match, on the Eve of the 54th Munich Security Conference, 15. Februar 2018, München

  • "Resources Policy of the European Union: Economic, Geopolitical and Security Aspects", Conference on "Climate Change and Resource Security in South Asia", Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (RECAP) / Centre for South Asian Studies / Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka (INSSSL), 30. Nov. - 1. Dez. 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka

  • „Germany's raw materials policy: Efforts to supply security with critical raw materials by the government and industry“, International Forum-Competition of Young Researchers, 22-24 April 2015, National Mineral Resources University Saint Petersburg, Russia

  • „Germany`s cybersecurity policy: political, economical and legal challenges“, 20.08.2014, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

in German:

  • "Zusammenarbeit in der Cybersicherheit zwischen Deutschland und Russland?", im Rahmen des deutsch-russischen Sicherheitspolitik-Workshops "Suche nach Schnittmengen in Krisenzeiten", Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 19. November 2018, Moskau

  • "8 Jahre nach der letzten Krise: Rohstoffsicherheit Deutschlands mit Seltenen Erden 2018?", Tagung "Herausforderungen an Deutschland und Europa: Standhalten in einer zerrissenen Welt", 16. Juni 2018, TU Chemnitz

  • "Cyberspace im 21. Jahrhundert: Chancen und Risiken im deutsch-russischen Kontext", II. Jugendforum Potsdamer Begegnungen, 12.-15. November 2017, Moskau

  • "Vernetzte (Un-)Sicherheit: Schützt euch selbst, sonst schützt euch keiner. Eine Analyse der politisch-institutionellen Cybersicherheitsstrukturen in Deutschland", Eröffnungsvortrag zur 7. mGuard Cyber Security Conference bei der PHOENIX CONTACT Cyber Security AG, 17. Oktober 2017, Essen

  • „Herausforderungen im Cyberspace" (Challenges in the Cyberspace), Studiengruppe „Global Commons“: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 29.06.2015, Berlin

  • „Vernetzte (Un-)Sicherheit? Cybersicherheitspolitik in Deutschland“ (Connected (In)Security? Cybersecurity Policy in Germany), 01.12.2014, Vitako-Bundes-Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kommunalen IT- Dienstleister e.V., Berlin

  • „Deutschlands Sicherheitspolitik im Cyberspace“ (Germany's Security Policy in Cyberspace), 15.03.2014, Chemnitzer Linux-Tage
  • „Vernetzte (Un-)Sicherheit? Deutschlands Cybersicherheitspolitik“ (Connected (In)Security? Cybersecurity Policy in Germany), 09.07.2014, Junge DGAP Sachsen, TU Dresden