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Institut für Pädagogik
Master Education
Institut für Pädagogik 

Master Education

What the M.A. Education is about

Lifelong learning has become part of the self-understanding of our society. Accordingly, there is a constant demand for general and vocational further education as well as educational advice. The thus connected consideration of teaching and learning processes covers all ages, constantly extending the field of employment and the demand of thus-trained educationalists. The consecutive Master course reacts perfectly to this necessity. It focusses on different issues and problems which, from the point of view of adult/further education and general educational science, prove to be significant for the design and development of different learning and educational processes.

Structure of studies

Structure of the Master (further information in the text)

Basic modules (BM) (obligatory)

  • Qualitative methods of educational science, 1. semester (GM1)
  • Basics of social-scientific data analysis, 2./3. semester (GM2)
  • Heterogeneity and education, 1./2. semester (GM3)

Advanced modules (AM) (obligatory)

  • Research of educational and learning cultures whilst considering educational professionalism, 1./2. semester (AM1)
  • Structures, action levels and design of adult education in different contexts of lifelong learning, 1./2. semester (AM2)
  • Theoretical views at education and learning during adult life, 2. Semester (AM3)

Consolidation modules (CM) (obligatory)

  • Case and profession-related analysis of educational and learning cultures, 3. semester (VM1)
  • Analysis of adult education, 3. semester (VM2)

Completing additional module (CAM) (selective but obligatory)

  • Social transformation(s), 1./2. Semester (EM)


  • Educational and learning processes in practical work (240 working hours), 3./4. semester (MP)

Master thesis (4. semester)

  • Parallel to studies on a selective topical focus (educational science, educational research, adult/further education, intercultural education)
  • 16 weeks, 60 pages