Research at the Institute of Education
Currently running projects
`Erzählte Stadt´ - Chemnitz im Spiegel lebensgeschichtlicher Erzählungen
This project is meant as a contribution to better understanding the civic society of Chemnitz. By way of biographical narrations of citizens it is attempted to outline everyday life in this city from the point of view of the people living there. By structurally and topically comparing these narrations, it becomes obvious what they have in common, but also the variety of biographical experiences. Further information to be found on the Website of the Chair of Educational Science with a Focus on Methods of Educational Research.
Supporting prevention and intervention networks for the reduction of school absenteeism (since 2018, contact partner: Dr. Andreas Neubert)
School absenteeism is a challenge for the realisation of educational justice and the reduction of educational barriers. Apart from investigating and systematically analysing the various causes, backgrounds and ways of school absenteeism behaviour, the overall project of our university is a contribution to the research of the pre-emptive and interventionist possibilities to act of several social actors working in the (local) educational and social space. This way, prospects of new options to act are supposed to be created or, if already existing, to be purposefully networked. The focus of research is on smaller qualitative studies in the context of examination theses.
Finished projects
- Scientific accompaniment of the pilot project `Klimaschulen in Sachsen (Climate Schools in Saxony)´ (see Chair of Educational Science with a Focus on Mehods of Educational Research), 2018-2020
- Scentific accompaniment of the project `Praxisberater an Schulen (Practice Consultants at Schools)´ (see Chair of Educational Science with a Focus on methods of Educational Research), 2017-2018
- Evaluation study `Praxisberater an Schulen (Practical Consultants at Schools)´ (see Chair of Educational Studies with a Focus on methods of Educational Research), 2015
- Foster Parents Survey Chemnitz (see Chair of Educational Studies with a Focus on Methods of Educational Research), 2013-2015