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Institut für Pädagogik
Institut für Pädagogik 

Welcome to the Institute of Education

Since 2005, the Institute of Education has been the major institution of research and teaching in the field of paedagogics and education at TU Chemnitz. It offers both a B.A. course in Education (B.A. Education) and a master course in Education (M.A. Education). For more detailed information about these courses click the menu items Bachelor of Education and Master of Education.

The five Chairs of the Institute of Education (General Educational Science, Educational Science with a Focus on Methods of Educational Research, Adult Education and Further Education, Vocational and Business Education, as well as Intercultural Education) deal with crucial and current issues of education and paedagogics in various contexts (institutional and non-institutional) and related to different target groups.

Due to combining education-scientific theory and empirical research with practical educational knowledge, the graduates are qualified for a number of fields of state and private education, of educational research or of further training in business.

Furthermore, the Institute of Education maintains close contacts to the Centre of Teacher Training (CTR) and contributes its competences also to the training of teachers. More detailed information about the training of primary school teachers is to be found at the Website for Studies at the Centre of Teacher Training.

Educational studies at TU Chemnitz

You are interested in studying Education at TU Chemnitz? Under the studies menu item you are going to find all important information on the B.A. of Education and the M.A. of Education as well as information about requirements and applications.

Current news from the Institute (initially only available in German)