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Students from Sun Yat-sen University in China 2017/18

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B.A. and M.A. Student exchange from SYSU in 2017/18:

B.A. students from SYSU:

Cao, Wenyu (曹文宇 / Phoebe)
Lin, Weiyan (林蔚妍 / Diana)
Liu, Jingyi (柳静宜 / Lea)
Peng, Xiangyi (彭湘伊 / Shiny) 

M.A. students from SYSU:

Jiang, Cong   (江聪   / John)
Lu, Min (卢敏 / Echo)
Lu, Yanxi (陆沿汐 / Lucy)
Yan, Ningyi (严宁艺 / Alex)


LINKS: SYSU Calendar, KoVo, Wiki

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Chemnitz MA students acted as their "buddies" and helped them to find their way round - maybe they can pay a return visit to Guangdong later.

Project presentations


Josef Schmied