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English and Digital Linguistics
Covid-19 FLT
English and Digital Linguistics 

Global Survey of Teaching Languages online during the Corona Pandemic

The project WORLD UNIVERSITIES’ RESPONSE TO COVID-19:REMOTE ONLINE LANGUAGE-TEACHING started in summer 2020 and has expanded into a survey of contributions from all continents and all types of universities. The first volume included reports from 18 countries published (also as a free download) in May 2021. The volume is edited by N. Radic (Cambridge), M. Freddi (Pavia), A. Atabekova (Moscow) and J. Schmied (Chemnitz).

Now we are putting together new reports to be published in 2024 in Nebojša Radić, Maria Freddi, Anastasia Atabekova and Josef Schmied (eds.). Global Challenges in Language Teaching and Learning: Developments and Innovations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

My main objective as co-editor is to contribute a positive outlook in challenging times through personal academic reports, case studies, best-practice-examples, etc. I am grateful for the truly global advice (cf. my contribution here) that I have enjoyed during my first "Corona semester" (my report) and I am confident that we can rise to the challenges in different educational and learning contexts. I would like to focus on the opportunities of global online exchange without neglecting the risks and I hope that this survey (book and website) can be used as reference, inspriation and encouragement in very different contexts of on-line teaching and learning.

I am coordinating a group of old friends and colleagues from very different national contexts, i.e. Geneviève Bordet (Paris-Diderot, France), Xinghua (Kevin) Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China), Chang Chenguang (Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China), Daniel Nkemleke (Yaoundé Cameroon), Valentine Uwizeyimana (Kigali, Rwanda) and Tunde Ope-Davies (Opeibi) (Lagos, Nigeria).

So far, we have had several Zoom discussions (below) and we started a project webpage. We aim at lauching the project volume in a global online ceremony on June,4th. Before, we will share drafts in the Cloud, review all contributions internally and externally, and finally publish by research-publishing.net.

On Nov. 18th, we had a brief interim zoom meeting and decided to share all articples, reviews and additional materials in our project cloud (those who cannot access it, can send it to me).

Humerous German Government video on couch potatoes=heroes with subitles: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54959871
If you cannot access the video on Twitter, you can find a summary here you can find.

Coordinating the 24-country project via Zoom