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Professorship Forming Technology

Research Projects

BMWi Joint research project

Project logo: Hand holds a manufacturing factory and is surrounded by a green circle with leaves to represent resource efficiency

SiPro - Simulation based property design along the combined process chain of casting and forming technology

Subproject: Experimental and numerical simulation of material behavior in different different processing steps

BMWi ZIM-Project

Project logo: CAD representation of three profiling rolls rolling a thin-walled tube onto a mandrel

PredIkt | KoProHo - Development of a process for the continuous profiling of thin-walled hollow shafts for shaft-hub connections

Subproject: Experimental and numerical development of a forming process for profiling pipes


Animation of an injection molding simulation: filling a mold designed with metal structure by means of plastic material

MÜGRA - Macroscopic transition structures for a graded transition of properties in hybrid metal/polymer compounds


Animation of FEM simulation of spraying liquid metal onto a metal surface

additFORM - Additive manufacturing and processing by forming Al-Ti metallic composites


FEM simulation image of sheet metal rolling

Macromechanical model for predicting the susceptibility to acid corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic thin sheet metals and foils manufactured by complex forming technologies


Project logo: HZwo

HZwo:FRAME VP 1.1 - Large-scale Bipolar Plates

New processes for the large-scale production of metallic bipolar plates

Official project homepage: http://hzwo.eu/en/project/grossserienbipolarplatte/

DFG-Project | Priority Programm 2183

Project logo: Schematic diagram of a forming process

Priority Programm 2183: Property-controlled forming processes

Subproject: Controlled shear spinning for the production of components with defined hardening

Official project homepage: www.spp2183.de


Split image: real micrograph of a thermally formed rivet and the corresponding ideal representation

Numerical and experimental studies on the thermal riveting of polymer materials


DAAD logo: Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World, oriental pattern

Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World

Topic: Future Technology Additive Manufacturing (PDF - German)

A cooperation project of the TU Chemnitz and the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia


Principle representation of the process flow from chemical material composition, material testing to material data

AMMICAL - Advanced Materials Model Integration for CAE Applications

Subproject: DeMIR - Definition, modeling and implementation of use cases and reference processes

prostep ivip-Project

Logo of the Forschungsvereinigung Smart Engineering

Founding and establishing the Research Association Smart Engineering - Cooperation project with the prostep ivip Association

AiF ZIM-Project

CAD representation of a flat clinch joint

TUF-FAST - Tempered joining by forming of metals and fibre-reinforced thermoplastics

Subproject: Process development for joining metals and fibre-reinforced plastics via joining by forming without complementary joining elements by means of numerical methods


FEM simulation image of a biaxial material behavior

Characterisation and modelling of the biaxial material behaviour of twin-roll-cast, hot rolled and annealed AZ31 sheets


FEM simulation image of a flat clinch joint

Enhancement of the connection strength of flat-clinch joints by alternative process concepts


FEM simulation image of a weld seam

Property improvement of welding seams due to an inline hot forming process


FEM simulation image of radial-rotation profile

Experimental and numerical investigations for the development of the radial-rotation profile forming


Project logo: HZwo

HZwo:BIP - Bipolar Plates from Saxony

Innovative and cost-effective bipolar plate suitable for a large production of passenger car fuel cells


FEM simulation image of a knurled press-fit connection

Material-independent Dimensioning of Knurled Interference Fits of arbitrary Shape


FEM simulation image of a forging process

Generally modelling of material behavior and surface modifications for FEM analysis of die forging of carbon steels

SFB-Project 692

Project logo: SFB 692

High-strength aluminum-based lightweight materials for safety components - HALS

1. Funding period
B3 - Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of the interface behavior of Al-compounds (PDF - German)

2. Funding period
B3 - Formability of Aluminum Magnesium compounds (PDF)

3. Funding period
B3 - Systematic adjustment of local material and interface properties for the production of hybrid Al-Mg-compounds


DAAD-Logo Hochschuldialog mit der islamischen Welt, orientalisches Muster

Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World

Topic: Digital Engineering area of conflict of different cultures (PDF - German)

A cooperation project of the TU Chemnitz and the Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

DFG-Project | Cluster of Excellence EXC 1075

Project logo: MERGE

MERGE - Merge Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures

B4: Resource-efficient processes for manufacturing hybrid structures
WP 4.3: Methods and instruments for evaluating the robustness of an entire process

Official project homepage: www.tu-chemnitz.de/MERGE

DFG-Project | Priority program 1640

Micrograph of a flat clinch joint metal in wood

Priority program 1640 "Joining by plastic deformation"

Hybrid flat-clinching of renewable resources
(1st and 2nd Funding period)


Principle drawing of corrosion development

Developing a macroscopic model to visualize the susceptibility to corrosion of products generated by forming

BMWi ZIM-Project

FEM simulation image of a 3D mesh

KONFEKTDICHT - Development of the technology and the plants for manufacturing of dummies of shape-adaptive braided seals

Subproject - FlechtSim: Numerical Simulation of braiding processes and investigation of the influence of process parameters on 3D braid quality


FEM simulation image of rotary swing bending, cylindrical roll bends circular blank over a conical mandrel

Numerical and experimental investigations of rotational swing-folding


Representation of cooperation through three interlocking gears

Establishment of an international cooperation with the Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

Topic: Simulation-based investigations for designing innovative process chains through the combination of forming, welding and cutting processes


FEM simulation image of a flat clinch joint

Determination of properties, further development and extension of the field of application of flat-clinching


Two cardboard angles connected with a flat clinch joint

Resource-saving packaging lines - Further development of flat-clinching for the application in cardboard packaging





AiF ZIM-Project

AiF ZIM-Project



ProSTEP - Working group SimPDM


Split image: Left image: FEM simulation of the flat-clinch joint;  Right image: micrograph of the flat-clinch joint

Simulation-based development of tools and kinematics for the single-stage production of one-sided planar mechanical joins

External PhD - Project

Photo of a hot forming process with cooling lubricant

Development of a simulation system for the optimization of the cooling lubricant usage in multi-stage hot forming presses

DFG - Priority program 1146

FEM simulation image of flow-forming with three rollers in contour view

Modeling of Incremental Forming Processes


DFG - Priority program 1074

Drawing of a rolling mill

Extension of the forming limits of flow forming

SFB-Project 283

SFB-Project 283

BMWi IDS283-Project

CAD image of a forged part

STEP in the forging industry