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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

Combination spraying system

The heart of the technical equipment in the area of thermal spraying at the Chair of Composite Materials is the newly installed combination spraying system, which was optimally adapted to the needs of the Chair together with the system manufacturer GTV Verschleiß-Schutz GmbH. This means that a large number of the available systems can be operated with a single system periphery via a universal control system. Only the conventional systems and vacuum plasma spraying are carried out outside the combination spraying system. By integrating all industrially relevant thermal spraying processes into the thermal spraying test field, with most processes covered by systems from different manufacturers, it is possible to quickly and reproducibly carry out comparative research to optimise and solve specific problems. The modern peripheral equipment, such as the 8-axis handling system with 6-axis robot and rotary-tilt table, also contributes to the fact that the Chair of Composite Materials is one of the best-equipped institutes in Europe in the field of thermal spray technology.

Kombispritzanlage Kombispritzanlage

High-speed systems

APS Systems

  • GTV 3K APS Burner
  • GTV F6 APS Burner

Cold gas spraying system

  • CGT Kinetic3000 CGS System

Technical specifications:

  • Max. Component weight: 40 kg
  • Coatable materials: metals, ceramics, MMCs, CMCs
  • Coating materials: composites (e.g. WC-Co 88-12), metallic and ceramic materials (Tm < 2,200°C)