general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur, A level, high-school diploma)
or subject-linked eligibility of university admission or master craftman or an equivalently approved university admission.
Fields of study:
Mathematics with computer science
Industrial mathematics
Business mathematics
Financial mathematics
Change from Bachelor/Master to Diplom:
Change from a Bachelor- or Master degree program into
the Diploma curriculum is possible, credit points already obtained will be transfered. Similarly, there is the option
to change from the Diploma program into a Bachelor-/Master program. Please consult academic advisors for details.
Be aware that courses are normally offered in German only.
There is no admission restriction for this degree program. Application is made
The degree Diploma in mathematics is obtained in a 9-semester curriculum. Five specializations are offered, which are:
Mathematics with computer science
Industrial mathematics
Business mathematics
Financial mathematics
Each specialization starts with a 2 years foundational program, in which a solid education in the mathematics is aquired, including fields such as Analysis,
Linear and Higher Algebra, Optimization and Numerical Mathematics, Stochastics. In an additional Computer science program modern algorithms and their implementation in higher programming languages are taught.
Additionally, each student choses a minor subject from the following list
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Engineering
Business Administration
After the foundational program various specializations in mathematics as well as in the chosen minor are offered. Within the mathematics curriculum, possible specializations include
Discrete Mathematics
Financial mathematics
Mathematical physics
Numerical mathematics
Stochastics and Statistics
Busines mathematics
Classes can be selected freely from the third year on, according to the student's interests. Students can get support in the choice of the specialization from academic advisors and the professors in the field of specialization where the Diploma thesis is eventually written.
Besides mathematical training, the study program also deepens the field of the technical application (Chemistry, Electrical Engineering,Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Engineering, Physics or Business Administration).
The study program is finished with the Diploma thesis, to be written during the 9th semester of the study program.
Computer Science and Minor (28 LP) (chemistry, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, medical engineering, physics or business administration)
Specialization Pure and Applied Mathematics (especially statistics, financial mathematics) (56-80 LP)
5. to 8. sem.
Specialization Minor Business administration (46-70 LP)
9. sem.
Diploma thesis (30 LP)
Mathematicians excel not only with their theoretical and practical proficiency but also with their skills for logical reasoning and abstraction, their analytical thinking, linguistic precision, persistence to solve problems and their team spirit. The study of mathematics in Chemnitz aims to train this skills, which are eventually the reason for the very good professional opportunities of mathematicians. This also includes established scientific and practical knowledge in computer science.
Therefore, graduates of the Diploma study program find interesting employments in many fields, for example:
information technology
software development
banks and insurance companies
mechanical engineering
simulation and optimization in machine design
medical engineering
pharmaceutical research
entertainment electronics
automobile and aerospace engineering
Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier, Rektor der TU Chemnitz (Uni aktuell vom 28.06.2017)
»Erstens ist der Wunsch nach Diplomstudiengängen sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb unserer Universität immer wieder deutlich geäußert und dadurch eine starke Nachfrage nach Diplomstudiengängen zum Ausdruck gebracht worden. Zweitens ist das Diplom nach wie vor eine Marke, die national wie international einen hervorragenden Ruf genießt. Drittens erhöht die Einrichtung von Diplomstudiengängen die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der TU Chemnitz.«
Prof. Dr. Christoph Helmberg, Dekan der Fakultät für Mathematik
»Das Diplom ermöglicht verstärkt die zeitliche und inhaltliche Gestaltung des Studiums an eigenen Interessen auszurichten
und trägt damit in besonderer Weise zur Persönlichkeitsbildung und zur wissenschaftlichen Reife der Absolventen bei.«
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