The current scheduled appointments are the following:
Dr. Patrick Graf, z.Z. TU Chemnitz | |
Thema: Termin: Ort: |
The Structure of Algebraic Varieties with Trivial First Chern Class Do 18.01.2024, 16.00 Uhr Raum 2/B202 |
Prof. Dr. Marc Timme, TU Dresden | |
Thema: Termin: Ort: |
From Tipping Points to System Inference – Nonequilibrium Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Systems and Networks Do 23.05.2024, 16.00 Uhr Raum C25.014 (alt: 2/W014) |
Prof. Dr. Tobias Breiten, TU Berlin | |
Thema: Termin: Ort: |
An approach to non linear observer design via optimal control theory - the Mortensen observer. Do 30.05.2024, 16.00 Uhr Raum C25.014 (alt: 2/W014) |
Prof. Dr. Anita Behme, TU Dresden | |
Thema: Termin: Ort: |
Siegmund-duality of Markov processes. Do 04.07.2024, 16.00 Uhr Raum 2/B202 |
Rückblick ab 1997 |
It would also be nice if the PhD students could get to know each other better as a result of this seminar.
Even though the seminar primarily addresses PhD students, we also welcome interested master students and postdocs.
For up-to-date information and announcements you may join the PhD seminar mailing list.
Summer term 24
Date | Name | Title |
18.04.2024 | Nicolas Nagel | Open problems about matrices, old and new |
Previous terms
Winter term 23/24
Date | Name | Title |
19.10.2023 | Nicolas Nagel | Point sets of optimal discrepancy in the discretized torus |
02.11.2023 | Elias Döhrer | on a complete Riemannian metric on the space of embedded $W^{s,2}-knots$ |
02.11.2023 | Rajmadan Lakshmanan | Martingale optimal transport |
16.11.2023 | Henry Robert Dakin | The Hodge theory of divisor complements |
16.11.2023 | Emeryck Marie | Moduli spaces |
23.11.2023 | Chamir Ngandjia | Triviality of the generic stabilizer of some affine schemes acted on by SL$_2(\mathbb{C})$ and consequences |
01.02.2024 | Sebastian Debus | Sums of Squares and Nonnegativity |
01.02.2024 | Rhoslyn Coles | Experiments with Curves Inspired by the Morphometric Approach to Solvation |
Summer term 19
Date | Name | Title |
14.05.2019 | Michael Schmischke | A Fourier approach to learning sparse additive models |
21.05.2019 | Organizational meeting Thomas Jahn (starting at ~9.35 am) |
What is pi? |
02.07.2019 | Luca and Franco Giovenzana | Category theory, Yoneda lemma and moduli spaces |
Winter term 18/19
Date | Name | Title |
25.10.2018 | Organizational meeting | |
01.11.2018 | — | no seminar, just Berufungsvorträge |
08.11.2018 | Thomas Jahn | It's the small things that count |
22.11.2018 | Clemens Bombach | The Calderón problem |
10.01.2019 | Martin Winter | Vertex-Facet Assignments for Polytopes |
Summer term 18
Date | Name | Title |
05.04.2018 | — | — |
12.04.2018 | Thomas Jahn |
Organizational meeting What Wikipedia Can't Tell You About Circumcenters |
19.04.2018 | Holger Langenau | Where hypergeometric series fail |
26.04.2018 | Robert Nasdala | The hunt for volume formulas of strange-looking unit balls |
03.05.2018 | Ruben Schlotter | Time-(in)consistent Decision Making |
10.05.2018 | — | — |
17.05.2018 | — | — |
24.05.2018 | Christian Rose (!) begin is 9.15 am |
Pure point spectrum for Schrödinger operators on manifolds |
31.05.2018 | — | — |
07.06.2018 | Holger Langenau | Square. Practical. NP-hard. |
14.06.2018 | — | — |
21.06.2018 | Tobias Hofmann | Minimal integral cycle bases |
28.06.2018 | Martin Winter | Duality in cone optimization |
05.07.2018 | Jean Daniel Mukam | Strong convergence of the exponential Rosenbrock-Euler method for semilinear SPDe driven by mutliplicative noise |
12.07.2018 | — | — |
Winter term 17/18
Date | Name | Title |
16.10.2017 | Organizational meeting | |
23.10.2017 | Holger Langenau | Introduction to hypergeometric series |
06.11.2017 | Robert Nasdala | Behavior of entropy numbers under real interpolation I |
13.11.2017 | Robert Nasdala | Behavior of entropy numbers under real interpolation II |
20.11.2017 | Felix Harder | A bilevel optimal control problem |
04.12.2017 | Clemens Bombach | Singular Fourier multipliers |
18.12.2017 | Weihnachtsseminar | Identities and Oddities |
22.01.2018 | Ruben Schlotter | Entropy based risk measures |
29.01.2018 | Franziska Nestler | A short introduction to random operators |
Winter term 16/17
Date | Name | Title |
14.11.2016 | Christian Rebs | A lower bound for the norm of the Laplace operator |
28.11.2016 | Thomas Jahn | Reduced polytopes |
12.12.2016 | Michael Quellmalz | An introduction to reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces |
09.01.2017 | Jean Daniel Mukam | Exponential Rosenbrock--Euler method for parabolic PDE |
06.02.2017 | Björn Sprungk | Sparse polynomial approximations of functions of infinitely many variables |
Summer term 16
Date | Name | Title |
19.05.2016 | Michael Quellmalz | A generalization of the Funk-Radon transform |
02.06.2016 | Holger Langenau | Introduction to hypergeometric series |
09.06.2016 | Christian Rose | From geometric to analytic data |
23.06.2016 | Clemens Bombach | How to avoid division by 0 |
30.06.2016 | Björn Sprungk | Uncertainty quantification |
07.07.2016 | Matthias Täufer | Wegner estimate for Landau operators with random breather potential |
Winter term 15/16
Date | Name | Title |
12.11.2015 | Maria Fernanda del Carmen Agoitia Hurtado | Some comments on the change of measure for a class of semimartingales |
19.11.2015 | Matthias Täufer | A brief introduction to unique continuation |
26.11.2015 | Clemens Bombach | Form Methods |
10.12.2015 | Holger Langenau | Schatten class integral operators I |
17.12.2015 | Holger Langenau | Schatten class integral operators II |
28.01.2016 | Thomas Jahn | Orthogonality without inner products |
Summer term 15
Date | Name | Title |
16.04.2015 | Thomas Jahn | A Song of Praise to the Hahn-Banach Theorem |
07.05.2015 | Siegfried Beckus (Jena) | Schrödinger operators related to Quasicrystals |
21.05.2015 | Clemens Bombach | The Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator |
28.05.2015 | Maria Fernanda del Carmen Agoitia Hurtado | Modeling electricity prices through polynomial processes |
11.06.2015 | Christian Rose | Mini course: introduction to Riemannian geometry I |
18.06.2015 | Christian Rose | Mini course: introduction to Riemannian geometry II |
25.06.2015 | Christian Rose | Mini course: introduction to Riemannian geometry III |
02.07.2015 | Jonas Kukla (Tübingen) |
A spectral decomposition for the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent |
Winter term 14/15
Date | Name | Title |
25.11.2014 | Holger Langenau | Markov type inequalities |
02.12.2014 | Matthias Täufer | Scale-free quantitative unique continuation properties and application to Random Breather models |
09.12.2014 | Christian Rose | Dirichlet forms and Kato potentials |
16.12.2014 | Björn Sprungk | Gaussian measures and MCMC in Hilbert spaces |
06.01.2015 | Brice Djoumba Tchuenteu | Wegner estimates for Gaussian potentials |
13.01.2015 | Helena Gonçalves | Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin-type spaces |
20.01.2015 | Michael Quellmalz | The Funk-Radon transform |
27.01.2015 | Franziska Nestler | The nonequispaced FFT and applications |
03.02.2015 | Rolf Springer |
Linear elasticity |
Prof. Dr. Fleurianne Bertrand, TU Chemnitz | |
Title: Date: Location: |
Quantifizierung von Spannungen zur Erhaltung von Gleichgewichten April 25, 2024, 3.30 pm Reichenhainer Str. 39, room 638 |
Dr. Dana Uhlig, TU Chemnitz | |
Title: Date: Location: |
Mathe für die Ewigkeit: Rechenwege ab der Graduation - endlose Zahlenabenteuer mit Familienformel! January 25, 2024, 3.30 pm Reichenhainer Str. 39, room 638 |
Prof. Dr. Imma Curato, TU Chemnitz | |
Title: Date: Location: |
Wie Mathematiker*innen die Revolution der Künstlichen Intelligenz überleben können October 26, 2023, 3.30 pm Reichenhainer Str. 39, room 638 |