Current projects
DFG-Project in the SPP 1921: FADE
- Topic: Intentional forgetting through cognitive-computer science methods of prioritization, compression and contraction of knowledge
- Link:
- Research unit: SPP-Intentional Forgetting in Organizations (SPP 1921). Duration (2016-2019)
- Principle Investigators: M. Ragni (University of Freiburg), G. Kern-Isberner (TU Dortmund), C. Beierle (Fernuniversität Hagen)
DFG Heisenberg Project: Formalization, Modeling and Implementation of a neurocognitive theory of reasoning
- Topic: Developing and analyzing neurocognitive theories of human reasoning
- Link:
- Research unit: DFG-Heisenbergprogram
- Principle Investigator: M. Ragni
- Topic: Strengthening students' metacognition and motivation through individualized smart personal assistants.
- Link:
- Reasearch unit: Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre (StiHL)
- Principle Investigators: D.Brand, Prof G.D. Rey, Dr. K. Jahn, M. Suren & M. Schmitz
Completed Projects
BMBF Project SoNaTe: Social Neighborhood and Technology
- Topic: Developing a new digital communication network
- Link:
- Research unit: Bundesbildungsministerium BMBF
- Principle Investigators: M. Ragni, R. von Stülpnagel (Universität Freiburg, Kognitionswissenschaft)
SPP Project Shared common grounds of qualitative and quantitative rational reasoning
- Topic: Developing and adapting formal systems for human nonmonotonic reasoning
- Link:
- Research unit: SPP-New-Frameworks of Rationality
- Principle Investigators: M. Ragni, G. Kern-Isberner (TU Dortmund)
Other Projects
- 2012-2014 Nonmonotonic logic, DFG, SPP, PIs: M. Ragni, M. Knauff (JLU Gießen), S. Wölfl
- 2011-2014 CSpace II, DFG, SFB/TR 8, PIs: M. Ragni, L. Konieczny
- 2011 WoMap, DFG, SFB/TR 8, PI: E. C. Ferstl; Co-PIs: C. Hölscher, M. Ragni
- 2009-2010 CSpace I, DFG, SFB/TR 8, PIs: M. Ragni, T. Barkowsky, C. Hölscher
- 2009-2010 ActivationSpace, DFG, SFB/TR 8, PIs: M. Ragni, G. Strube
- 2008-2009 iModelSpace, DFG, SFB/TR 8, PIs: M. Ragni, G. Strube, T. Barkowsky