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Applied Geropsychology and Cognition
Applied Geropsychology and Cognition


User-centered App Development for the Care Community QuartierPflege




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Gesellschaft für Gemeinsinn e. V. ➚ Applied Geropsychology and Cognition  



Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Grant no.: 16SV8959

Call „Technological innovations for care communities to enhance health and quality of life of informal caregivers“ ( ➚ Call, ➚ Project outline)


08/2022 - 07/2023


In care communities (Sorgegemeinschaften), informal and professional parties need to cooperate in close coordination. Parties involved can be volunteer neighbors, part-time to full-time laypersons or relatives, the person to be cared for and professional specialists. This creates the need for an efficient organization to allow for the best possible participation and contribution from each party. Coordination is highly complex because this type of informal care communities involve very different time budgets, financial interests, emotional concerns and attitudes, such as the quality of care and the commitment of appointments. Good coordination has a direct impact on the (psychological, physical and temporal) relief of all network partners as well as on the trust of those to be cared by this community.

The project “QuartierPflegeApp” aims to extend existing domain-specific technical applications to support networking and the daily work in the care community. The app should reflect the needs of informal caregivers and the real processes in the network. Basis and application for the research project is the existing care community model "QuartierPflege" of the project partner Gesellschaft fÌr Gemeinsinn, which was awarded the "Start Social Project 2020". The aim and vision of the QuartierPflege is to provide basic care through voluntary commitment of trusted neighbors in order to alleviate the enormous shortage of specialists in the domain.

Main research aim of the professorship for Applied Geropsychology and Cognition is the identification of needs, app requirements and potential indicators for improving the quality of life of informal caregivers. The focus is on stressful situations, their causes and contextual conditions, as well as possible indicators for relief. Thus, discussion guides for qualitative interviews steps are developed in close coordination with the project partner. The personal interviews also include the presentation and discussion of existing apps. The professorship ensures that ethical, legal and social aspects of the planned app functions are reflected in all steps of the project. By involving all stakeholders, concrete requirements for a practical added value and continuous acceptance shall be identified in this feasibility study.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Georg Jahn (Coordinator)

Staff: Tim Kuball and Nicole Siebert


Siebert, N., Wenner, H., Kuball, T., Kiel, F., Beggiato, M., Oer, S., Jahn, G. (2023). Digital Support Requirements for the Care Community QuartierPflege. In J. Kalra (Eds), Human Factors in Aging and Special Needs. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 88 (pp. 85-94). USA: AHFE International. http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1003665.