Council of Confidence of Chemnitz University of Technology
Chemnitz University of Technology is explicitly, clearly and unequivocally committed to a place of work and study "characterised by mutual respect and tolerance and in which there is no room for disadvantage, discrimination, racism, xenophobia, harassment and violence "1 The rectorate has underpinned this declaration of intent with the Regulations on Protection against and Dealing with Discrimination and Sexualised Violence at Chemnitz University of Technology[de], which were issued in December 2020 on the initiative of the Equal Opportunities Commission.
One of the guiding principles of the regulations is that the TU Chemnitz is committed to respecting and protecting the personal rights of all members, affiliates and persons related to the TU and its members and affiliates "irrespective of gender, ethnic or social origin, appearance, age, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity, religion or belief "1 and respects "that the TUC is and remains a place of work and study characterised by tolerance, openness, equal opportunities and mutual respect"1.
The Council of Confidence according to & 11 of these regulations acts as a contact point for affected persons. It provides advice and, in the event of disadvantage, harassment or discrimination, anyone affected can turn to the Council of Confidence at any time and lodge a complaint, if necessary with the assistance of a person of trust.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Niedobitek, Faculty of Humanities
Dr. Julien Bucher (Deputy), Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Members of the Council of Confidence
University teachers
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Gesmann-Nuissl, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Prof. Dr. Matthias Niedobitek (Deputy), Faculty of Humanities
Academic staff
Dr. Julien Bucher , Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Rajmadan Lakshmanan (Deputy), Fakulty of Mathematics
Other employees
Dr. Susann Ebert, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Martin Mellendorf (Deputy), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Staff Committees
Dr. Philipp Cain
Marion Uhlig (Deputy)
Verena Traubinger
Permanent advisory members
Karla Kebsch, Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer
1Preamble of the Regulations for Protection against and Dealing with Discrimination and Sexualised Violence at Chemnitz University of Technology
Phone:+49 371 531-34912
Address:Thüringer Weg 9, 09126 Chemnitz