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Equality and Family
Equality Commission

The Equality Commission of the TU Chemnitz

  1. Self-Conception
  2. Forms: Statement of an Equality Commissioner during an appeal proceeding
  3. Agendas, Protocols, Issuance Guidelines
  4. Recommended Course of Action for Gender and Diversity Sensitive Communication by means of Language and Illustrations


Who we are

The Equality Commission of the TU Chemnitz encompasses the equality commissioners of the faculties, central institutions, Centre for Teacher Training, the Women's Representatives and Central Equality Commissioner of the university.

What is meant by equal rights, equality and equal opportunities and what are the goals of equality work?

Article 3 (2) of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany states that "Men and women shall have equal rights". This law solidifies the equal treatment of women and men. However, in 1994 the following wording was added:“The state shall promote the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and take steps to eliminate disadvantages that now exist." The actual enforcement and implementation in real life denote what gender equality is.

However, during the exact point of when this law is enforced and implemented in real life, discrepancies are revealed. Unequal gender specific placement of power and participation are reflected in, for examples, the low numbers of women in executive and decision making positions. Attributed stereotypical roles, the gender-specific division of work, as well as poor options for the reconciliation of family and work additionally contribute to the inequality of opportunities as well as less career advancing opportunities for women in comparison to men.

Equality aims to align reality with what is formulated in laws concerning equality, the dissolution of inequality as well as to create equal opportunities on all levels. To be able to achieve these aims, a broad spectrum of tasks, such as the dissolution of old stereotypical role models, the sensitisation of sexism and sexual violence in the media (at work and in everyday life), the improvement of the reconciliation of family and work as well as the reduction of barriers, have to be fulfilled. Such barriers are intra aria lack of transparency concerning promotions, the reservation towards female leadership competencies but also the anxiety of women having to deal with higher set expectations than men in comparable positions and performance pressure1. Further barriers can arise from the still widespread assumption, that the reconciliation of family and work is a problem faced by women (and not that of their men). To align present disadvantages as well as to prevent future obstacles from developing, universities can utilise compensatory support and advancement measures (positive measures according to article 5 of the General Equal Treatment Act). In addition to that, Article 55 of the Saxon University Freedom Law and Article 18 and the following of the Saxon University Freedom Law, demand the utilisation of an Equality Commissioner and a Women's Representative at universities. Goals, such as a balanced ratio of the sexes within the scientific system and the reconciliation of having a family and a carrier in science are to be enforced by universities.

When approached in unity, equality work benefits both sexes. With the improvement of the reconciliation of family and work, not only women but also men will benefit. Many men support the dissolvent of old role images seeing as they are then no longer only perceived as machos or the main provider for their family. Companies that implement equality policies and family-friendly measures, show an increase in diversity, creativity, motivation and satisfaction in their employees2.

1 Frauen in Führungspositionen - Barrieren und Brücken (PDF) [de] , p. 9 ff.

2 Vielfalt bereichert Unternehmen - Auf dem Weg zu einer flexiblen und familienbewussten Arbeitskultur (PDF)[de] , e.g. p. 20, Bosch

What we do

Within the framework of the University Development Plan of the TU Chemnitz till 2025, the TU Chemnitz pursues many measures for the promotion of gender equality, reach the goal of equality and equal opportunities in all areas for all members and those belonging to the university. This framework also includes acknowledging and utilising the maximal potential and talent of all members and those belonging to the TU Chemnitz. The goal is to minimise discrimination in all areas of the university as well as to create diversity and promote its acceptance. The Equality Commission supports the university management with the implementation of the measures for the promotion of gender equality and the enforcement of the Equality Commissioner, as is demanded by the Saxon University Freedom Law of the scientific institutions.

The Equality Commission pursues three ways, to achieve the goals mentioned above:

  • Deficits in the areas of gender equality and equal opportunities at the TU Chemnitz are to be identified and remedied
  • Those belonging to, and are members of the university will be informed and counselled on topics relevant to gender equality
  • The promotion of gender equality measures will be initiated, to support the discrimination-free alignment of women and men in all areas of the university

How we are organised

The commission meets multiple times throughout the year under the supervision of the Central Equality Commissioner of the TU Chemnitz. The representatives of the committee members can participate as advisors, and when a member is not present, the right to vote will be given to that members substitute. Guest are welcome to come to the segment of the meetings that is open to the public. Dates and daily agendas of the sessions can be accessed and are published on the internet as well as the following protocols of the segments open to the public.


  • Form Statement of an Equality Commissioner during an appeal proceeding (PDF) [de]
  • Daily agendas and the protocols [de] of the Equality Commission
  • Issuance guidelines for travel grants (PDF) from the Equality Fund of the TU Chemnitz to enable female junior scientists to participate at conferences, workshops, research exhibitions and archive visits to further develop the participant's qualifications
  • Issuance guidelines for short-term scholarships (PDF) for startup financing or to support the continuation or more over the completion of the promotion/habilitation of female junior scientists

Recommended Course of Action

The Equality Commission adheres to gender and diversity sensitive language. Therefore, it recommends the use of a recommended course of action by the Koordinierungsstelle Chancencengleichheit Sachsen.
The recommendation for action for download or for ordering as a printed version as well as information on the topic can be found on the KCS homepage.
Deckblatt der Broschüre Ausgesprochen Vielfältig - Gender- und Diversitysensible Kommunikation