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Professur für Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement
Innovation Research and Technology Management
Professur für Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement 
Logo der Professur Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement

Team, External Researchers & Adjunct Lecturers

Dr. Dr. Martin Albert, geb. Laue

Research Associate

(0371) 531 39992
Thüringer Weg 7, Room 114 (new: C33.114)
by email agreement

Professional background
  • Research Associate and Lecturer at the Professorship for Innovation Research and Technology Management, from 2015; previously professorship for innovation research and sustainable resource management in the areas of teaching, research, student support, practical advice and project management with a focus on emerging markets innovation, sustainability, social research, innovation and technology management, 2011 until now
  • Research assistant at the Southern Cross University in Gold Coast, at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, at the Cooperative Research Center for Infrastructure Engineering Asset Management in Brisbane and the Australian Asset Management Collaborative Group in Brisbane (Australia) in the areas of practical consulting, project management and research with a focus on physical asset management (infrastructure), strategic management and maturity models, 2011
  • Employed at Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg in the field of body construction with the areas of project management, process management, software development and change management, 2006-2009
  • Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig / Wolfenbüttel (now Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences) at the Faculty of Vehicle Technology in the areas of student support and teaching with a focus on project simulation (business game) and project management, 2005-2008
  • Internship and diploma student at Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg in the field of body construction in the field of process management with a focus on production planning and digital factory, 2005-2006
Scientific training
  • Cumulative dissertation "Innovation for and from Emerging Markets for Sustainable Development - The Connection between Frugal Innovation and Sustainability" for Dr. rer. pole. at the Professorship for Innovation Research and Technology Management and the Professorship for Corporate Environmental Economics and Sustainability at Chemnitz University of Technology with a focus on sustainability, frugal innovations, emerging countries, 2015-2020
  • Dissertation "Methodology for human-oriented system development and communication optimization" for doctoral engineer at the Professorship of Factory Planning and Factory Operation and the Professorship of Ergonomics at Chemnitz University of Technology with a focus on human-technology organization, work analysis, software development, process management, process modeling and communication, 2006-2010
  • Study of industrial engineering at the TU Chemnitz with a focus on logistics and project management, marketing and commercial management as well as media technology, 2000-2006
Research priorities
  • sustainability
  • Sustainability innovations
  • Technology assessment and design
  • Frugal innovation and related concepts
  • Emergence of innovations
  • Digitization (and sustainability)
  • Industry 4.0 (and sustainability)
  • (Sustainable) project management
  • (Sustainable) business model innovations
  • Job analysis procedures, job analysis and job design
  • Albert, Martin (2020): Innovation for and from Emerging Markets for Sustainable Development: The Connection between Frugal Innovation and Sustainability. Dissertation Technische Universität Chemnitz.
  • Albert, Martin; Lange, Anne; Hüsig, Stefan; Müller, Julia; Piske, Sara; Taskiran, Cagla (2020): Understandings of Innovation Terminology for and from Emerging Markets: The Case of Frugal Innovation in a Cross-Country Comparison. In: International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems, 6 (3), pp. 292-310.
  • Albert, Martin; Zweigert, Sabine (2020): Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in a Non-Governmental Organization. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, pp. 226-228.
  • Albert, Martin; Bauche, Xenia; Closmann, Luisa; Eichholz, Tobias; Preis, Katharina (2020): Sustainability Management in Non-Governmental Organizations. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, pp. 23-26.
  • Albert, Martin; Uhlig, Maria (2020): Sustainability in Education: The case of Chemnitz University of Technology. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, pp. 223-225.
  • Albert, Martin (2019): Sustainable frugal innovation - The connection between frugal innovation and sustainability. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 237, S. 1-15.
  • Dressler, Anne; Hüsig, Stefan; Albert, Martin (2019): Interrelations of Frugal Innovation and Inclusive Business: Insights from African Cases. EURAM 2019, 26.-28.06.2019, Lissabon Portugal.
  • Albert, Martin; Mickel, Friedrich (2019): Sustainable project management. In: Fields, Ziska; Hüsig, Stefan (Hgg.): Responsible, Sustainable, and Globally Aware Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. IGI Global.
  • Albert, Martin; Hüsig, Stefan (2019): Towards a Classification Framework for Concepts of Innovation for and from Emerging Markets. In: Fields, Ziska; Hüsig, Stefan (Hgg.): Responsible, Sustainable, and Globally Aware Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. IGI Global.
  • Schneider, Gregor; Albert, Martin (2019): Innovationsfähigkeit – Ein systematisches Literaturreview. Papers and Preprints of the Department of Innovation Research and Technology Management (BWL IX), Chemnitz University of Technology, Working Paper 12-1, 26.03.2019.
  • Albert, Martin (Hrsg.) (2017): Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit an der TU Chemnitz. Posterband mit Beiträgen aus Lehre, Forschung, Administration und von universitären Interessensgruppen. 2. Auflage. Universitätsverlag Chemnitz. ISBN 978-3-96100-037-1.
  • Albert, Martin (2017): Einleitung. In: Albert, Martin (Hrsg.): Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit an der TU Chemnitz – Posterband mit Beiträgen aus Lehre, Forschung, Administration und von universitären Interessensgruppen. 2. Auflage. Universitätsverlag Chemnitz. S.4-5. ISBN 978-3-96100-037-1.
  • Albert, Martin (2017): Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit in Forschung, Lehre und Administration der Professur für Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement. In: Albert, Martin (Hrsg.): Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit an der TU Chemnitz – Posterband mit Beiträgen aus Lehre, Forschung, Administration und von universitären Interessensgruppen. 2. Auflage. Go-Next!-Tag 2017, 22.06., Chemnitz, Universitätsverlag Chemnitz. S. 19-21. ISBN 978-3-96100-037-1.
  • Albert, Martin (2017): The connection between frugal innovation and sustainability. 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 14.-16.09.2017, Nancy, Frankreich.
  • Albert, Martin; Dressler, Anne; Taskiran, Cagla; Mueller, Julia; Piske, Sara (2017): Understanding of frugal innovation in cross-country comparison – South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey. 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 14.-16.09.2017, Nancy, Frankreich.
  • Albert, Martin; Breßler, Julia; Hüsig, Stefan (2017): Expansive Learning through contradictions of sustainability. In: Arevalo, J. A.; Mitchell, S. F.: Handbook of Sustainability in Management Education - In Search of a Multidisciplinary, Innovative and Integrated Approach. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Albert, Martin (2016): Nachhaltigkeit in Forschung und Lehre der Professur für Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement. In: Liebold, Sebastian: Wie sieht eine nachhaltige Universität aus? In: Sächsische Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Gesellschaft (Hrsg.): Bausteine der Nachhaltigkeit – Carlowitz weiterdenken. Jahresschrifte Ausgabe 2917, oekom, München. S. 84-85. ISBN 978-3-86581-831-7.
  • Albert, Martin (2016): Concepts of Innovation for and from Emerging Markets. Papers and Preprints of the Department of Innovation Research and Technology Management (BWL IX), Chemnitz University of Technology, Working Paper 9-1, 03.11.2016.
  • Albert, Martin (2016): Conceptual Classification of Innovation for and from Emerging Markets – From Appropriate Technology to Value Innovation. Scientific symposium “Potentials of frugal innovation in industrial countries”, 24.06.2016, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.
  • Albert, Martin; Hartwig, Melanie; Hüsig, Stefan; Lanfermann, Anna (Hgg.) (2015): Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit an der TU Chemnitz. Posterband mit Beiträgen aus Lehre, Forschung, Administration und von universitären Interessensgruppen. Universitätsverlag Chemnitz. ISBN 978-3-944640-66-2.
  • Albert, Martin; Breßler, Julia; Hartwig, Melanie; Hüsig, Stefan (2015): Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit in Forschung, Lehre und Administration der Professur für Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement. In: Albert, Martin; Hartwig, Melanie; Hüsig, Stefan; Lanfermann, Anna (Hgg.): Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit an der TU Chemnitz - Posterband mit Beiträgen aus Lehre, Forschung, Administration und von universitären Interessensgruppen. Go-Next!-Tag 2015, 03.06., Chemnitz, Universitätsverlag Chemnitz. S. 10-13. ISBN 978-3-944640-66-2.
  • Breßler, Julia; Albert, Martin (2015): Expansionslernprojekt Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragte/r. HDS Forum Lehre, 4.-5.11.2015, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau.
  • Albert, Martin (2015): Gegensätze der Nachhaltigkeit. Papers and Preprints of the Department of Innovation Research and Technology Management (BWL IX), Chemnitz University of Technology, Working Paper 4-1, 13.05.2015.
  • Albert, Martin; Härtig, Ingolf (2014): Methode zur Analyse körperlicher Belastungen und Beanspruchungen als Grundlage für gesundheitsförderliche körperliche Trainingsmaßnahmen - Evaluierung im Bereich der Hausarbeit. Papers and Preprints of the Department of Innovation Research and Sustainable Resource Management (BWL IX), Chemnitz University of Technology. Working Paper 2-1, 19. December 2014.
  • Laue, Martin; Brown, Kerry; Scherrer, Pascal; Keast, Robyn (2014): Integrated Strategic Asset Management: Frameworks and Dimensions. In: Gheorghe, Adrian V.; Masera, Marcelo; Katina, P.F. (Hgg.): Infranomics - Sustainability, Engineering Design and Governance. Springer International Publishing, S. 75-87. ISBN 978-3-319-02492-9.
  • Brown, Kerry; Laue, Martin; Tafur, Javier; Mahmood, Muhammad Nateque; Scherrer, Pascal; Keast, Robyn (2014): An Integrated Approach to Strategic Asset Management. In: Gheorghe, Adrian V.; Masera, Marcelo; Katina, P.F. (Hgg.): Infranomics - Sustainability, Engineering Design and Governance. Springer International Publishing, S. 57-74. ISBN 978-3-319-02492-9.
  • Laue, Martin (2012): Multivariate Nachhaltigkeitsziele regionaler Energieautarkie. Papers and Preprints of the Department of Innovation Research and Sustainable Resource Management (BWL IX), Chemnitz University of Technology. Working Paper 1-1, 30. November 2012.
  • Laue, Martin; Brown, Kerry; Scherrer, Pascal; Keast, Robyn (2012): Integrated Strategic Asset Management: Frameworks and Dimensions. Conference paper for the Third International Engineering Systems Symposium CESUN 2012, 18.-20. Juni, Delft, Niederlande.
  • Brown, Kerry; Laue, Martin; Tafur, Javier; Mahmood, Muhammad Nateque; Scherrer, Pascal; Keast, Robyn (2012): An Integrated Approach to Strategic Asset Management. Conference paper for the Third International Engineering Systems Symposium CESUN 2012, 18.-20. Juni, Delft, Niederlande.
  • Brown, Kerry; Laue, Martin; Keast, Robyn; Montgomery-Hribar, Jane für die Australian Asset Management Collaborative Group (AAMCoG) und das Cooperative Research Centre for Infrastructure Engineering Asset Management (CIEAM) (2012): Guide to Integrated Strategic Asset Management. Brisbane, Australien. ISBN 978-0-646-56734-1.
  • Laue, Martin; Brown, Kerry; Keast, Robyn (2011): Strategic and human issues in Asset Management Models. Conference paper for the Sixth Annual World Congress on Engineering Asset Management WCEAM 2011, 2.-4. Oktober, Cincinnati, USA.
  • Laue, Martin (2010): Methodik zur humanorientierten Systementwicklung und Kommunikationsoptimierung. Dissertation Technische Universität Chemnitz, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Betriebswissenschaften und Fabriksysteme 82, 2010.
  • Laue, Martin; Müller, Egon (2010): Methodik zur humanorientierten Systementwicklung und Kommunikationsoptimierung. In: ZwF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, H. 6, 2010, S. 600-605.
  • Schütze, Jens; Baum, Heiko; Laue, Martin; Müller, Egon (2009): Analysis of interpersonal communication processes in digital factory environments. In: Camarinha-Matos, Luis M.; Paraskakis, Iraklis; Afsarmanesh, Hamideh (Hgg.): Leveraging Knowledge for Innovation in Collaborative Networks, 10th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2009, 7.-9. Oktober, Thessaloniki, Griechenland, Springer: New York, S. 177-184. ISBN 978-3-642-04567-7.
  • Laue, Martin; Müller, Egon (2009): Kommunikation im Kontext der Digitalen Fabrik - Systementwicklung mit dem Mensch-Technik-Organisation (MTO)-Ansatz am Beispiel eines Workflows. In: wt Werkstatttechnik online, H. 3, 2009, S. 99-105.
  • Seminar "Innovation Research for Sustainability Innovations", summer semester
  • Seminar "Methods of Empirical Social Research", winter semester
  • Organization simulation (business game) Interventio, winter semester
  • Application project, summer semester and winter semester
  • Seminar "Economy & Society", summer semester
  • Professional field project, winter semester
  • Professional field seminar, winter semester
  • different units in lectures of the professorship