Use of pop-ups and slideshow effects
With the help of this module web authors can create pop-up effects and galleries with simple and modifiable HTML elements.
- Pop-up effect: Extension of Bootstrap Modals
- either an embedded gallery or a gallery to be opened via pop-up effect with playback function
To use the functions, php/ must be loaded in the page header.
<?php …
For your information
Content provided via pop-up will not be printed!Predefined functions
- Image pop-up (
) - Pop-up with custom HTML content (
) - Pop-up with linked page as content (
) - Image gallery (
) - Complex example
Image pop-up
string hs_image(string $image_small, string $image_large, string $text [, array $style])
Creates a (usually) small image that is enlarged on click.
$image_small |
$image_large |
$text |
$style |
Return value
HTML text - can be output with echo.
<?php echo hs_image('/tu/images/campus-200.jpg', '/tu/images/campus.jpg',
'The <b>Central Auditorium Building</b>',
array('img_w' => '100',
'img_style' => 'float:right;border:1px solid orange')); ?>
Pop-up with custom HTML content
string hs_html(string $link_text, string $html_text, string $title, [, array $style])
Creates a clickable text - when clicked, a pop-up window with HTML content opens
$link_text |
$html_text |
$title |
$style |
Return value
HTML text - can be output with echo.
You clicked me …
echo hs_html('Click me!', '<h1>You clicked me …</h1> <b>Great!</b>', 'Click test'); ?>
Pop-up with linked page as content
string hs_url(string $link_text, string $url, string $title, [, array $style])
Creates a clickable text - when clicked, pop-up window opens with document of URL as content
$link_text |
$url |
$title |
$style |
Return value
HTML text - can be output with echo.
echo hs_url('Notes on Planning', 'planung.html.en?content', 'Planning', array('w' => '500')); ?>
Image gallery
string hs_slideshow(string $directory, string $type, [, array $style])
Creates an image gallery from all JPEG images (file names ending in .jpg or .JPG) in the $directory
- Sorts alphabetically by file name
- Displayed for an aspect ratio of 16:9
- If there is only one image in the gallery, controls are hidden and the predefined aspect ratio is ignored
- Full screen function
- Playback function
- Thumbnails
- height 40px
- Naming convention: Original
→ Thumbnailimage-t.jpg
- Generate
e. g. with IrfanView:
- File → Batch conversion/renaming
- (•) Batch conversion + rename
Batch conversion options
- [✓] special options active (resize, etc.) → Set
- [✓] Resize
- (•) Set one or both sides: height: 40 Pixel
- Batch rename options: Name (pattern): $N-t.jpg
with convert command (ImageMagick package):# create from all .jpg files of the current directory # create a new file each with ...-t.jpg, maximum height 40 pixels for d in *.jpg; do convert "$d" -resize x40 "$( basename "$d" .jpg )-t.jpg"; done
No JavaScript available
- If styles are defined for the gallery, the first image is displayed large with description, other images below with 40px height.
- Otherwise all images with 40px height.
- If available, the gallery description is displayed, otherwise the description of the first image.
$directory |
$type |
$style |
Return value
HTML text - can be output with echo.
string hs_slideshow(array(array('image.jpg', 'Description 1'), array(...)), string $type, [, array $style])
Creates an image gallery with caption from all image files listed in the first field. No thumbnails are necessary.
Return value
HTML text - can be output with echo.
Complex example
Manual use
- Pop-up effects basics
- Image pop-up
- Pop-up with custom HTML content
- Pop-up with linked page as content
- Image gallery
Pop-up effects basics
Basic framework with modification options that can be used for all pop-up elements.
<div class="hs-modal">
<a href="#" ... data-toggle="modal" data-target="#hs-modal" data-width="1200" data-height="400"
data-title="Pop-up" data-vertical="top">
<div class="modal-footer">
Attached content, e. g. description for the content
These general parameters with default values can be omitted.
href |
data-width |
data-height |
data-title |
data-vertical |
link |
Image pop-up
Creates a link that displays a pop-up with an image when clicked.
<div class="hs-modal">
<a href="/tu/images/campus.jpg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#hs-modal" data-image>
<img src="/tu/images/campus-200.jpg" alt="The Auditorium building">
<div class="modal-footer">The <b>Auditorium building</b></div>
href |
data-image |
Pop-up with custom HTML content
Creates a link that, when clicked, displays the HTML content from the element with the class "modal-body"
in a pop-up.
<div class="hs-modal">
<a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#hs-modal" data-html>
<strong>Click me!</strong>
<div class="modal-body">
<h1>You clicked me …</h1>
<hr />
<a href="">Go to TU-Chemnitz homepage</a>
<hr />
<button id="click">Click me!</button>
data-html |
modal-body |
Pop-up with linked page as content
Creates a link that, when clicked, displays the linked web page within the pop-up.
<div class="hs-modal">
<a href="" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#hs-modal"
data-remote-frame="/mb/?content" data-title="Faculty of Mechanical Engineering">Link to Mechanical Engineering</a>
data-remote-frame |
Image gallery
When creating a gallery, you can choose between two options – either as a direct display or as a pop-up, which is opened via a preview image..
Option 1
<ul data-gallery="intern" data-interval="5000" class="test">
<a data-desc="The first image" href="images/sportfest/campussportfest_01.jpg">
<img src="images/sportfest/campussportfest_01-t.jpg" alt="The first image">
<a data-desc="The second image" href="images/sportfest/campussportfest_02.jpg">
<img src="images/sportfest/campussportfest_02-t.jpg" alt="The second image">
<a data-desc="The third image" href="images/sportfest/campussportfest_03.jpg">
<img src="images/sportfest/campussportfest_03-t.jpg" alt="The third image">
data-gallery |
data-interval |
data-gdesc |
data-desc |
style |
class |
href |
src |
Option 2
<div class="hs-modal">
<a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#hs-modal" data-html
data-title="Sports Festival Gallery">
Click me!
<div class="modal-body">
<?php echo hs_slideshow('images/sportfest'); ?>