University News: Study
Why international students decide to study in Chemnitz
A video series of the International Office shows advantages of studying at Chemnitz University of Technology
Present like a professional – new offer for international students
TU4U of the TU Chemnitz produces online-videos for improving presentation skills
From health-based fitness training to experience-oriented outdoor recreation
Double degree program of the “Gesundheits- und Fitnesssport” course of study of the cooperation between Chemnitz University of Technology and University of West Bohemia in Pilsen is ready to launch
Summer, Sun, and the Writing Project
From August 14 till 18, 2017, students can work together on their writing projects – the Schreibwoche (writing week) offers once again content and structure related support
Wanted: Diplomats for New York
Students of all departments of Chemnitz University of Technology can apply for the globally biggest United Nations simulation in Spring 2018 in New York until August 7, 2017
Improvement of study quality
3rd student survey in Saxony currently running
Most successful Chemnitz delegation of all times
During the world’s largest and most professional simulation of the United Nations (UN), the team from TU Chemnitz won four of seven possible awards
A semester abroad with Erasmus+
Students can still apply for a semester abroad during the winter term 2017/18 or the summer term 2018 until March 31, 2017
University in a Different Way – the ImproShow
Prospective primary school teachers will present improvisational theatre as a result of a seminar project on 29 April 2016
From a Working Class Family to University
The Chemnitz’ local branch of the association accompanies prospective students from non-academic families on their way to university and clarifies financial issues
A Celebration in Cap and Gown
The next Graduation Ceremony will take place on April 9th, 2016 – Registration is now open
From the Lecture Hall into the Center of World Politics
"Uni goes UNO": 17 students of the TU Chemnitz represent the central African country Chad at the world‘s largest UN simulation in New York in March 2016
Wanted: Qualified International Graduates for Jobs in Germany
25 selected students have the opportunity to attend informative workshops, events and to meet employers in order to be prepared for their job entry in Germany
Winter Semester with 96 Degree Programs
TU Chemnitz invites all new students to the Enrollment Celebration on October 8th, 2015 and to the subsequent party in the Stadthalle
Electronics, not Mechanics
Students in the Automotive Software Engineering Master degree program learn how to make automotive industry software innovations faster, safer, and more user-friendly
Making Society Healthier
Two students in the “Public Health with Focus on Prevention and Evaluation” Master study program tell about their studies and how they would like to earn money from the general public’s health
Learning in Pairs Is Simply Better
Two friends, Anna Dietze and Marike-Christiane Maack, study the Bachelor in Sensors & Cognitive Psychology and organize their everyday university life together
One Study Program, Two Languages, Two Countries
New German-Polish Master program grants students a bilingual and transcultural education in Chemnitz and Wroclaw
Media Offerings for Asylum Seekers
The Professorship of Media and Communication and the Bon Courage Society work together on media offerings for asylum seekers
Students give TU Chemnitz very good grades
CHE Ranking: Math students are particularly very satisfied with their study conditions – as regards to the living, Chemnitz belongs to the most favourable cities in Germany