University News: Wirtschaft
Premiere of the German-Israeli SME Day in Chemnitz
Strengthening of economic relations between Israel and Germany will be the focus from June 7 to 9, 2022 - Chemnitz University of Technology will participate in the program
University Spin-off Staffbase Awarded Most Important Saxon Business Prize
Staffbase founders and Chemnitz University of Technology graduates Dr. Lutz Gerlach and Dr. Martin Böhringer, together with co-owner Frank Wolf, are Saxony's Entrepreneurs of the Year 2022.
Additional millions in funding for two WIR! projects at Chemnitz University of Technology
Chemnitz University of Technology is involved in two alliances that have now been successfully evaluated and will continue to be funded with a total of 12.8 million euros until 2025 in the WIR! - Change through Innovation in the Region program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Efficient drives for the energy transition in Germany
Prof. Dr. Thomas von Unwerth from Chemnitz University of Technology as expert in MDR documentary on the performance of hydrogen as an energy carrier of the future - Hydrogen symposium "FC³ Fuel Cell Conference Chemnitz" on 23rd and 24th of November 2021.
Career Service: New semester program supports career entry
The Career Service of Chemnitz University of Technology starts winter semester with new offers for successful career entry and hybrid TUCconnect - registration now possible.
FC³ Fuel Cell Conference Chemnitz: "Clean Drives. Efficiently produced."
Chemnitz Conference on Fuel Cells will take place on 23rd and 24th of November 2021 – Chemnitz University of Technology will be present with numerous contributions - Registration deadline: November 12, 2021.
Wanted: Entrepreneurial ideas for the products of tomorrow
New round of the SAXEED ideas competition and announcement of the special prize "Social Entrepreneurship" – Submissions explicitly also from students possible until November 21, 2021.
New Cluster Micro-Mobility Association in Founding Phase
From Producers to Software Developers – All Players in Sustainable Mobility Based on Micro and Light Vehicles are Invited to Connect with Scientists from Chemnitz
New Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Chemnitz Starts Work
Chemnitz University of Technology is part of a consortium that supports medium-sized companies in Saxony in the introduction and implementation of digitization solutions
TUClab-Funded Start-Up Successful in Product Development for the Steel Industry
University spin-off and one of the 2019 TUClab winners – mecorad is making steel production more digital and sustainable today
Chemnitz Prevails in Nationwide Competition for Hydrogen Center
The Hydrogen and Mobility Innovation Center (HIC) is to be established on the South Technology Campus in the future with significant participation from Chemnitz University of Technology
Counteracting the Shortage of Skilled Workers
Regional project "TalentTransfer Südwestsachsen" enters next phase in July 2021 - focus remains on networking between companies and students and graduates
TODOWhat Influence Test Capacities Have on Productivity During Lockdown
Leibniz Prize winner Michèle Tertilt from the University of Mannheim to give online guest lecture at Chemnitz University of Technology on July 7, 2021, 11:15 a.m.
Chemnitz University of Technology and Mercedes-Benz cooperate in lightweight construction
Technologies from the Cluster of Excellence MERGE at Chemnitz University of Technology lay foundation for material invention now being used in series production of the new Mercedes-Benz S-Class.
More Sustainability Through Lightweight Construction Technologies
Cluster of Excellence MERGE invites you to the 5th International MERGE Technologies Conference in hybrid format on December 1 and 2, 2021 - Call for Papers and Posters open until June 30
Large-Scale Research Center to Show Prospects for Lusatia
The technical universities in Chemnitz, Dresden, and Freiberg want to establish a large-scale federal research center in the energy region of Lusatia, thereby providing essential momentum for a future energy industry and sustainably shaping structural change in the region
Saxon Application Among Finalists in Selection for National Hydrogen Center
Saxony's application for the establishment of the national hydrogen technology center was convincing in the first round of the nationwide competition - Now the final phase begins, in which the remaining three applicants will compete in feasibility studies
Light E-Commercial Vehicles – A “Sleeping Giant” Wakes
Current joint study by CATI and automotive thüringen shows prospects for the electrification of light commercial vehicles
Project on carbon fiber research "InnoCarbEnergy" has started
Digital kickoff meeting between Chemnitz University of Technology’s Cluster of Excellence MERGE, the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU, and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP identified next steps for the cooperation project to research and develop "green" carbon fibers in Lusatia
Refrigeration and Energy Technology Research Platform in Vogtland Funded with 15 Million Euros from Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Chemnitz University of Technology, Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration Dresden, and Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE Freiburg are developing an innovative platform for research, development, and education in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning technology in Reichenbach in the Vogtland region of Germany