University News: International
An Algorithm with Ants
A calculation method based on a natural phenomenon helps optimise lightweight laminates
Start-Ups compete
Three Start-Ups from Chemnitz University want to succeed against 64 other companies in Saxony for the 2017 futureSAX Idea Award on August 28, 2017
The Secret Life of Tyres
The Chemnitz Institute of Lightweight Structures takes a closer look at the ecological recycling of elastomers from used tyres
In the forefront of internationalization in Germany
Chemnitz University advances in nearly all areas of annual report elaborated by the German Rectors’ Conference and the German Academic Exchange Service
A farmer’s little helper
The Professorship of Automatic Control and System Dynamics at Chemnitz University of Technology developed a new test stand for the verification of novel control approaches for agricultural machines an
Hard as construction steel, light as carbon, and yet all natural
Chemnitz scientists of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE develop bio-based fiber-plastic-compounds for a future sustainable large-scale production
Full TUCforum meets for the first time
An appreciated practitioner
A throwback on the 100th death anniversary: Adolf Ferdinand Weinhold developed the “Weinholdsche Bottle” and introduced the lecture of electrical engineering in Chemnitz
Great praise for holistic research approach
Cambridge top researcher and future member of the Scientific Advisory Board in the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE visits Chemnitz University of Technology
Successful premiere for the TUCsommernacht
More than 1.000 Guests experienced a wunderful evening at Chemnitz University - the next TUCsommernacht will take place on June 23, 2018
Sustainable on snow and street
Scientists in the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE are developing longboards and snowboards made of renewable raw materials
Best Practice for high-level networking
AC21 Networking Meeting organized by Chemnitz University of Technology on the occasion of the NAFSA held for the 9th time on 30 May 2017 at Los Angeles
Four and a half months of cultural work in India’s IT capital
Chemnitz University of Technology student Lars Meese shares his experiences as an intern at the culture department of the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Bangalore (India)
HORIZON-project investigates the performance capacity of the European asylum system
The European commission funds a two-year research project at the Junior Professorship Humangeographie Ostmitteleuropas at the Chemnitz University of Technology – twelve countries are involved
Lightweight meets Automotive Engineering
Cluster of Excellence MERGE is hosting an international Summer School on Lightweight Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology from June 26 till June 29, 2017 – registration is open now
Explosive crystallization produces spiral microstructures
Researchers of the Chemnitz University of Technology, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, and the Leibniz Institute IFW-Dresden discover self-organizing, spiral microstructures.
Student-Clip goes viral
The story of an intercultural friendship
The astounding bowbike
Ultralight and inexpensive: The three-membered entrepreneurial team „bowbike“ of the Chemnitz University is about to launch an extraordinary designed lightweight bicycle frame made of carbon fibers
Great honor for a Chemnitz economist
Prof. Uwe Götze was awarded the title of “Professor Honoris Causa” (honorary professor) at the Babeş-Bolyai -University in Romania
Cambridge expertise for Chemnitz research excellence
Cambridge Professors David Cardwell and Ian White enhance the Excellence Council and the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE at Chemnitz University of Technology