A Visit From the Czech Republic on “BIDS Day”
On 4 and 11 December 2018, pupils from the Czech Republic experienced the Chemnitz University atmosphere
A beautiful tradition: As a part of the BIDS Day program, pupils from Czech Republic get informed about study opportunities at Chemnitz University of Technology. Photo: IUZ -
In addition to information sessions, the construction of an incense smoker called “TUCelino” is also a part of the program. Photo: IUZ
The International Office of Chemnitz University of Technology and the Professorship for Machine Tools and Forming Technology organized two BIDS Days this year. In total, 35 pupils and their German language teachers visited our university and took advantage of getting to know the study program at the university and student life in general.
At the beginning, Dr. Thomas Hänel and Ms. Peggy de Witt from the Professorship for Machine Tools and Forming Technology gave a presentation on the university, and specifically the German-Czech Masters course “Production Systems”, which is offered in cooperation between Brno University of Technology and Chemnitz University of Technology. Afterwards, the visitors were split into two groups and given practical insights on the topic of engineering. Later on, both groups had the opportunity to visit different stations: on one side, Dr. Hänel demonstrated practical applications in 3D printing in the”Generative Production” experimental laboratory, and explained how objects created via 3D printing are used in areas such as medical technology. In addition to Dr. Hänel’s presentation, students were also given the ability to attend a virtual tour of the ISS in the Virtual Reality Center. A spectacular view of our earth was included in this virtual tour.
After lunch at the student canteen, Julia Harnisch of Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau introduced the Reichenhainer Straße campus to the pupils by showing several interesting places, for example, a dormitory flat and the “PEB” student club. At the film club “Mittendrin”, a short film presentation on Chemnitz University of Technology was given in a pleasant cinema atmosphere. Additionally, the guests received important information from Katharina Wohlgemuth of the International Office on living in Chemnitz, financing their studies and helpful hints for international students as they start their studies in Chemnitz. Practical advice from a student perspective was given by Barbora Petrásková, student of intercultural communication and competence and graduate of the high school in Ústí nad Labem. Her report provided many personal impressions.
The creation of the university’s incense smoker „TUCelino“ was another highlight and perfectly fitting for the Christmas season. Before the guests headed back to the Czech Republic, BIDS Day ended with a final stop at the Chemnitz Christmas Market.
Magdalena Žohová from Aš summarized the day from her point of view: “The practical simulations in the morning were very exciting. I was particularly impressed by the 3D printing. As I am interested in the humanties, I am very surprised, too, that a technical university offers so many courses in such a field. That will support me in my decision on where to study.” Her German language teacher Olga Krátká added: “This was my 4th time accompanying a group of pupils to Chemnitz, and this year the program was more student-oriented in my opinion. The information session focused more explicitly on relevant topics. Many pupils also took advantage of having a student by their side from the Czech Republic during BIDS Day in order to ask questions in their native language. That is very important. Related to this, it is also helpful and important to hear from her perspective that Chemnitz is a great city to live and study.”
Since 2008, the International Office of Chemnitz University of Technology has been coordinating the BIDS project, which is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The BIDS events mainly focus on a one week exposure course at Chemnitz University of Technology for pupils from the Czech Republic and Poland. The so-called “BIDS Days” for Czech schools close to the German border also play a vital role. Moreover, graduates of selected Czech and Polish high schools have the opportunity to receive financial support during their stay at the Chemnitz University. All activities are supported by the DAAD and carried out with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office.
For further information please contact Dr. Thomas Hänel, Professur Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik, Tel. +49 (0)371/531-32658, E-Mail thomas.haenel@mb.tu-chemnitz.de or Katharina Wohlgemuth, IUZ, Tel. +49 (0)371/531-39856, E-Mail katharina.wohlgemuth@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de.
(Authors: Katharina Wohlgemuth/Barbora Petrásková, Translation: Jennifer Bosniatzki)
Matthias Fejes
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