Students Give Chemnitz University Very Good Grades
CHE Ranking: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science students in particular are very satisfied with their study conditions
Mathematics students in Chemnitz often work together in smaller groups. Shown here: Prof. Dr. Christoph Helmberg (l.) and Dr. Undine Leopold discuss polyhedral structures in a seminar. Photo: Press office photo archive/Steve Conrad
Chemnitz University of Technology has once again proven that it is among the best destinations nationwide for students of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science, as reported in the newest edition of the CHE University Ranking. Along with facts about studying, teaching, equipment and research, the ranking also includes opinions from students about the general conditions for studying at their higher education institution (HEI). The Centre for Higher Education (CHE) published this year’s edition of its comprehensive and detailed ranking of more than 300 HEIs in the German-speaking region on May 8, 2018 in the 2018/2019 ZEIT Study Guide.
Four Course Offerings in the Top Group
This year’s Study Guide recommends Chemnitz University to its readers who interested in studying at a HEI and value attractive study conditions, high-quality guidance services and the ability to earn their degree in the standard amount of time. Chemnitz University received very positive reviews particularly in the field of Mathematics. Students in this domain are very satisfied with the support they receive at the beginning of their studies, the guidance and support offered by teachers, the organization of their studies, the courses offered, the infrastructure and the general conditions for studying. Computer Science also received good ratings based on their offers before studies begin and with the international orientation of their master’s degree programs. Physics was praised for their study organization, the support offered to new students and library equipment. And Chemistry students report that it is very possible to earn their degree and complete their studies within the standard period of study.
New Landing Page
Anyone who is looking for information about studying in Chemnitz and who would like to learn more about the 100+ degree programs offered at the university should visit the new landing page at This web portal is intended to generate curiosity about Chemnitz University among secondary school students and others interested in pursuing an academic degree and provide support for new students as they prepare to begin their studies. The site features helpful tips and information about choosing a degree program, getting started at the university and about life in Chemnitz.
The complete 2018/19 CHE University Ranking is available online:
(Translation: Sarah Wilson)
Matthias Fejes
- Naturwissenschaften
- , Mathematik
- , Maschinenbau
- , Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
- , Informatik
- , Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- , Philosophische Fakultät
- , Human- und Sozialwissenschaften
- , Universitätsrechenzentrum
- , Universitätsbibliothek
- , Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung und Bildungsforschung
- , Schüler
- , Studierende