Sustainability in Teaching
Sustainability is incorporated into courses at Chemnitz University of Technology in a variety of ways, e.g. in lectures and tutorials, colloquia, seminars, practical cooperation, and student projects. The following are examples of chairs and degree programmes at the TUC that deal with sustainable development issues.
Links zu Professuren und Studiengängen
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Professur Materialien für innovative Energiekonzepte
Studiengang Master "Advanced Functional Materials"
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Professur Textile Technologien
Studiengang Master "Nachhaltige Energieversorgungstechnologien"
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Studiengang Bachelor/Master "Regenerative Energietechnik"
Studiengang Bachelor/Master Elektromobilität
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
Professur Betriebliche Umweltökonomie und Nachhaltigkeit
Faculty of Humanities
Studiengang Bachelor "Energy Efficiency and Englishes"
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
Studiengang Bachelor "Präventions-, Rehabilitations- und Fitnesssport"
If you teach courses that should be listed here, please contact us.