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Foreign Language Centre

Intensive Course: "German Language, Civilization and Culture for Exchange Students"

The course "German Language, Civilization and Culture" is offered by the Foreign Language Center in collaboration with the International Office (IUZ) at TU Chemnitz.


The course is recommended to all new international exchange students who want to refresh or improve their German language skills. It is specifically adressed to exchange students, e.g. participants of the ERASMUS program.


We recommend that you take the course before the start of your semester abroad.

The courses before the start of the summer semester 2024 take place in the period from March 11th to 28th 2024.

We offer courses for beginners, intermediates and advanced learners of German. A placement test takes place at the beginning of the language course. The result of this test will determine which course you can attend.

Course outline

You will be taught by experienced teachers of German as a foreign language for five hours a day from Monday to Friday. The course also includes two excursions. You will receive 4 credit points for course participation and the module examination. Further information can be found in the respective module descriptions:


The course fee is 50,00 €. This includes all costs for the teaching materials, the excursions and the supervision by the tutors.

Registration and contact person

Registration takes place via the International Office (IUZ). If you are interested, please contact the staff of the IUZ via the following e-mail address:iuz@tu-chemnitz.de

More Information

As an exchange student, you can take part in many German courses at the basic level or the intermediate and advanced levels of the Foreign Language Centre during the course of your studies. You are exempt from the DSH examination, but are welcome to take it if you wish.