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Junior Professorship Intercultural Education
Current News

Current News

Here you can find current information and announcements of the Junior Professorship of Educational Science with a Focus on Intercultural Education. 

Junior Research Award Südtirol 2023

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Gross received the "Junior Research Award South Tyrol 2023" on 18.12.2023 for her previous achievements in the field of intercultural education. For further information please read here: TUCaktuell

Handout for scientific work

Please refer to this handout for all important information on scientific work: Handreichung wissenschaftliches Arbeiten.

Form for requesting thesis supervision

You can apply for supervision with the following form: Kurz-Exposé zur Abschlussarbeit.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Education

The conference of the International Association for Intercultural Educaction (IAIE) took place from 26 to 28 March 2024 at the University of Technology Chemnitz. Junior Professor Dr. Barbara Gross was hosting this conference. For more information click here: TUCaktuell

Siped Award 2023 for outstanding monograph

Jun.-Prof Barbara Gross received this year's Siped Award on June 17, 2023 for the following publication: „Eterogeneità e diseguaglianze educative. Prospettive dalla Pedagogia interculturale“. For more information please click here: TUCaktuell

Holder of the Junior Professorship

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Gross was appointed junior professor by the rector Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier on Nov. 1, 2022 and since then is the holder of the Junior Professorship in Educational Science with a Focus on Intercultural Pedagogy (TUCaktuell article). Information on her courses can be found under Teaching.